Friday, Oct 18, 2024

Full day of eating to get LEAN & build muscle as a vegan | Honest body chat

At, we are dedicated to exploring the amazing world of spices and herbs, encouraging sustainable eating practices and sharing meaningful stories.

Through our website, we want to bring people closer to delicious, creative meals that nourish both body and soul. We don’t intend to become famous chefs –we just love food!

We firmly believe in celebrating the beauty of different cultures through their cuisine. From home kitchens to 5-star restaurants, each meal has its own secret recipe for success.

The love for Saffron initially inspired us on this journey, but our mission is much larger than that. We strive to provide helpful resources and meaningful conversations about organic farming techniques, cooking tips and culinary customs from around the world.

If you’d like to join us in showcasing your special family recipes or other noteworthy ideas relating to food culture, please reach out at [email protected] –your contribution will be highly cherished!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Full day of eating to get LEAN & build muscle as a vegan | Honest body chat

Frequently Asked Questions

What are organic fruits and vegetables?

Organic foods are free of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. They are also richer in nutrients like vitamins C, E, K, and omega-3 fat acids. These healthy ingredients make organic food better for our bodies and the planet.

Organic foods are grown using sustainable farming practices that preserve soil quality and encourage biological diversity. They are produced without harmful chemicals, irradiation, or sewage sludge.

Organics are often associated with produce. However, organic products can include dairy, meat, poultry and eggs as well as personal care items and pet food.

The USDA defines "organic" as that crops being raised according to strict rules set forth by federal government standards. To grow these foods, farmers cannot use non-organic (or conventional) methods. However, they can use approved organic pest control methods like crop rotation and covering cropping or animal feed made with organic materials.

Further, the farmer must be careful about the amount of pesticide and fertilizer he uses in the growing season. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), synthetic growth hormones and insecticides as well as synthetic fertilizers are prohibited by farmers.

The requirements for organic fruits and vegetables are met if they are labeled 100 percent organic. But, not all farms label their produce as 100% organic. It would confuse consumers. Instead, they will call their product "made using organic ingredients." "

What is inorganic food?

Organic food is grown without pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Inorganic foods contain these chemicals, which may cause health problems.

Organic food is produced naturally and without any harmful substances, such as chemical fertilizers or pesticides. These chemicals can cause harm to animals and humans.

Inorganic food includes meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, honey, grains, vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs.

Organic refers the way an agricultural product grows. Organic farming uses natural methods to grow crops. Conventional farming uses pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), must ensure that organic food meets strict standards. All organic food must comply with the National Organic Program Standards. This means that it must not contain prohibited materials like antibiotics, growth hormones or genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as well as industrial solvents. Organic food must also be free from toxic chemicals, petroleum based fertilizers, sewage effluents and ionizing radiation.

What are my top priorities when buying organic products

USDA-certified organic labels are recommended. This certification means that the product is certified organic by USDA. Look out for the USDA Organic seal on boxes, cartons cans and jars.

When shopping for meat, ensure it comes from cows fed 100% organic feed. Ruminants are cattle that chew their cud. Ruminant cattle have four stomach areas: rumen (reticulum), omasum (omasum), and abomasum. All parts of an animal must be organically fed if the cow is going to be labelled '100% organic.'

Make sure you only buy chicken from chicken farms that are fed organically and have never been given antibiotics. Chickens are omnivores. This means they can eat both plant and animal food. A digestive tract that is omnivorous includes a crop, proventriculus and gizzard. It also contains small intestines, large intestines, and anus.

Buy dairy products that are 100% organically produced. Like ruminants, dairy cattle have four stomachs. The fourth stomach compartment is the udder.

You should always check the label before purchasing any other livestock. This will let you know what percentage of the diet was given to the animals. Pork may be labeled "95% Organic" which means that 95 percent of its feed was organic.

Why should I go organic?

Many health issues have been linked to conventional agriculture, including obesity, diabetes and cancer. When buying food, you must make wise choices.

The Environmental Working Group offers these tips:

Buy organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible.

USDA organic labels should be used on meat, poultry and eggs as well as milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, honey, and other dairy products.

Avoid processed foods labeled as "natural" or "no additives."

Check ingredient lists carefully. If an ingredient isn’t listed, it might be added during processing.

Frozen and canned meats should be preferred to fresh. Cans and frozen foods are often less nutritious than fresh meats, such as high fructose corn syrup.

Does organic mean it is pesticide-free?

Organic food does not contain pesticides or chemicals and is therefore chemical-free. This means that organic food is often free of pesticides and fertilizers.

Because it is free from harmful additives, organic produce has higher nutritional value than conventionally produced food.

The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) requires farmers to follow strict guidelines for growing crops certified as organic.

These guidelines address soil preparation, crop rotations, pest control, water conservation, harvesting, and other practices.

Organic farming techniques also contribute to healthy ecosystems that benefit wildlife as well as natural habitats.

How can I tell if my produce has been certified organic?

If you want to make sure that you are buying organic produce, look for these three labels:

USDA Organic Certified – Produced by USDA and certified as 100% organic.

Certified Naturally Grown: Produce that has been grown in accordance with organic practices, but has yet to receive certification from USDA.

Pastured/Free Range – Produced from animals that live outdoors and graze on grasses or herbs.

These labels indicate that the product meets certain criteria.

  • No pesticides or synthetic fertilizers
  • No genetically modified organisms
  • Animals are never given antibiotics
  • No hormones are ever given to the animal
  • No growth-promoting drug
  • No feed additives
  • No artificial ingredients
  • No irradiation
  • No sewage effluent
  • GMOs are not allowed
  • Never gave antibiotics
  • No hormones ever given
  • No growth-promoting drugs
  • No feed-additives
  • No artificial ingredients
  • No sewage effluent (if it isn't a GMO).
  • No irradiation

I hope this article was helpful!


  • Brands participating in this challenge are committed to using 100 percent sustainable cotton by 2025.[5] (
  • According to a study performed by, organic products, compared to non-organic products, ranged anywhere from 13 percent cheaper to 303 percent more expensive. (
  • Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (
  • Popular clothing brands, like Patagonia, are labelled as organic by using 100 percent organic cotton for many of their styles. (

External Links





How To

How to get Organic Meat on a budget

In this post I'll share some tips and techniques for buying organic meat that won't break the bank.

Here are some tips to help you find low-cost organic meats. Also, how much per pound they cost. This will teach you how to get the most out of your purchase.

It doesn't take a lot to eat healthy. Sometimes, it takes a bit of creativity to save money while eating well. Here's my list to help you keep food costs low while still enjoying all the health benefits of organic meat.

  1. Buy bulk food at wholesale clubs. Sams Club and Costco both offer great options for buying bulk foods like pork chops and chicken breasts. If you are fortunate enough to live near one, you may be able get discounts up to 50 lbs on large quantities. You won't have to waste meat. If you buy it in bulk you can freeze it so it lasts more.
  2. Look online to save money on meat. Amazon has Prime Pantry, a weekly sale that offers free shipping for orders over $35. There are discounts on roasts, ground beef and lamb steaks as well as pork loins. It's simple to visit their website to view the latest offerings at different times.
  3. Look for a local farmer. They usually charge less than big-box retailers, as they don't have to pay large stocking fees. They also know what their animals ate and drink so they can tell exactly what is inside.
  4. Look for meat cuts that are leanest - Lean meat is generally cheaper to cook than fatty meat. So, look for the leanest cuts. The most commonly used cuts include flank steak, tenderloin and top round steaks. These cuts are very low-fat and high in proteins.
  5. Explore new recipes. Don't be afraid of trying new things. You can cut down on your grocery costs by starting to cook with ingredients you don't have before. You'll be surprised at how many delicious dishes can you create using fresh tomatoes.
  6. Make your leftovers creative - You can make sandwiches, soups, casseroles, and other dishes with leftover meat or poultry. It's easy to make quick lunches and dinners with leftover meat.

So there you go! So there you have it! My list of tips for getting organic meat without breaking the bank. Are you able to offer any additional tips? Are you able to give me any tips on how to get cheap meat?


Full day of eating to get LEAN & build muscle as a vegan | Honest body chat


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