Monday, May 20, 2024

Recipes To Keep You Warm | Part Two

Welcome to, where we embrace everything related to spices, herbs, nutritious food, and organic eating! We are not professional chefs but food enthusiasts who enjoy exploring the various flavors from across the globe. My passion for cooking with saffron sparked the launch of this website--but it is much more than just about saffron and recipes! Our mission is to promote organic farming and sustainable eating habits actively. Around the world, countless people dedicate their lives to preparing delicious meals in their home kitchens or five-star restaurants. If you would like to contribute a blog article or share family recipes with the rest of the world, please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]. Good food deserves a spotlight—and here at, we are shining that spotlight on YOU!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Enjoy this beautiful cooking recipe now and try it at home ;)
Recipes To Keep You Warm | Part Two

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some things I should look out for when purchasing organic goods?

USDA-certified organic label are desirable. This seal signifies that the product meets specific USDA standards. On packages, boxes, cartons or cans, look out for the USDA Organic seal.

When you shop for meat, ensure that it comes from cows who are fed organic feed. Cattle are ruminants. They eat the whole animal. Ruminant cattle have four stomach compartments: rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. If a cow is to be labeled organically, all parts must be organically fed.

You should only purchase chicken that has been raised organically. It must not have ever been treated with antibiotics. Chickens are omnivores. This means they can eat both plant and animal food. Omnivorous chickens have a digestive tract composed of a crop, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.

It is important to ensure that dairy products are from cows that were fed 100% organic feed. Dairy cows have four stomach compartments, just like ruminants. The fourth stomach compartment is the udder.

You should always check the label before purchasing any other livestock. This will let you know what percentage of the diet was given to the animals. One example is pork that may be labeled '95% Organic'. This means that 95 percent came from organic sources.

Are there health benefits to eating organic food?

While organic foods may not be suitable for everyone's health, they are healthy for some people. However, regular consumption of organic foods can have health benefits.

Organic food is produced without artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones, antibiotics, or genetic engineering. Organic produce is not grown with harmful chemicals that could pose a risk to human health.

Also, there are fewer additives that are used in processing. So when you buy an organic product, you're likely eating healthier than non-organic products.

Studies show that organic foods contain more nutrients and antioxidants than conventionally grown fruits and vegetables.

While organic farming is generally more expensive than conventional farming, they often produce better results. Organic farming promotes soil fertility as well as biodiversity.

This helps prevent erosion and conserve water. Organic farms don't use toxic chemicals and require less fuel and energy.

People are worried that organic foods may be more expensive then conventional. However, prices will vary depending on where one lives. For example, organic apples tend to be more expensive than traditional apples.

If you take a look at the cost of a basket containing both types of fruits, you will see that organic is less expensive.

Do you really need to buy organic?

It depends on you. You shouldn't bother if you don't enjoy organic food.

Organic food is available if you are a fan of good food. Organic foods are safer as most commercial growers use chemical fertilisers, pesticides, or genetically modified species (GMOs) to produce their crops.

Organic agriculture conserves the environment and promotes biodiversity.

Are organic foods healthy?

There are two types. Those we grow or those we get from someone else. There are exceptions, but the majority of the time, both options will be available. Organic food is healthier as it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals or pesticides, herbicides and preservatives.

In supermarkets all over North America, Europe Asia, Latin America, Latin America, and Africa, you can find organic food. Many grocery stores now sell organic food. This makes it easier for customers to select organic products.

Organic food is also better tasting and more nutritious because it contains higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Organics can be grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. This ensures that organics do not pollute our soil or water supply.

Organic farming is regulated by the USDA. Farmers must follow strict guidelines to ensure safe eating. There are over 30 million acres of US organic farmland.

Organic food is often more affordable than conventional food. The same amount of nutrients, calories, and protein is being offered by organic food, but consumers are often paying less. Organic farms can charge less for their crop because they aren’t required to buy expensive chemical inputs.

According to Environmental Working Group, organic food can be 10 percent cheaper per pound when compared to conventionally produced food. Organic food is an option if you want to improve your health and the health of your family.

Organic food has been a popular alternative for standard American diets. Although many may think that organic food is only available at specialty markets and gourmet restaurants, this isn't true. Organic food is easily available in all regular grocery stores in the United States.

In recent years organic food sales increased substantially. Organic food market value in the US increased from $21 billion to $43 billion in 2007 to reach $43 billion in 2012.

What are some of the most popular organic products in your country?

The fastest-growing industry is organic food. But even though we've come a long way from our roots, there is still much room for growth.

Organic products are the future. Organic products are safer, more sustainable, and cheaper for consumers.

But they also tend to be higher priced. The Organic Food Index was created to address this. We wanted the ability to identify which foods are currently most popular and whether these trends have changed.

These findings show that organic foods are becoming more popular. Between 2011-2012, nearly half of Americans shopped for organic foods.

According to the USDA, organic production increased by 10% last year alone. 9% now comes from organic foods in the United States.

Organic food is certainly on the rise but consumers are still not able to afford it. The Organic Trade Association (OTA) reports that organic food retail prices average almost double the price of conventional foods.

Despite this, organic food is growing at a faster rate than any other food segment. If you examine the data closely, you will see that organic foods have grown steadily in consumption since 2009.

According to OTA's data, organic products sold in supermarkets grew at 14% between 2010 - 2011.

This is because of consumer demand for healthier products, which explains the rise in organic food sales across all age categories.

Younger generations are choosing organic food more often than older generations. Millennials are twice likely to choose organic food than the baby boomers. And young adults under 35 years old account for 25% of all organic food purchases.

What is an organic food processor?

Organic food producers produce organic foods that are free from pesticides and other chemical fertilizers. These foods include fruits and vegetables, grains, as well as dairy products.

Organic food production is only possible on farms where the crops are grown naturally. This includes crop rotation, soil preparation, and pest control.

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), must set strict criteria for organic agricultural products.

These guidelines make it possible for consumers to have safe, healthy, and delicious food.

Organic food offers many health benefits. From lower levels of pesticide residues, heavy metal contamination, to higher nutrient contents and better flavour, organic foods are healthier.

USDA organic products must carry the USDA Certified Organic seal.

This certification means the product has met the standards of the National Organic Program.

Organic food can help us eat better and protect our environment.

Organic farming techniques preserve water and land. Organic farming techniques also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which contributes to climate change.

Organic agriculture is more sustainable and uses less chemicals.

Because of this, harmful gases such as ammonia and even nitrates will not build up in the air.

There are many types and varieties of organic farming.

Conventional agriculture refers to the use synthetic inputs, such as pesticides/fertilizers.

Regenerative farming involves compost, cover crops, and green manures to improve soil health. It encourages biodiversity.

Agroecology focuses on sustainable relationships between people, plants, and animals.

Permaculture promotes self sufficiency through the creation of systems that imitate nature.


  • Once certified by the USDA, it can fall into one of four categories: "100 percent organic", "organic," "made with organic ingredients," or "made with less than 70 percent organic ingredients. (
  • Cosmetic brands such as Laurel and Rose Mira are 100 percent organic and have a wide array of skincare products. (
  • When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. (
  • Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (

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How To

Organic food: Are they healthier and better for you?

Organic foods are produced without the use of chemical pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. They are grown in natural environments without artificial inputs (fungicides/herbicides/hormones, antibiotics or genetic engineering). Crop rotation, cover crops and the use of compost animal manure, wastewater recycling, and integrated pest management (IPM) are some examples of organic farming.

In 2002, the USDA National Organic Program (NOP), was established to regulate the sale, purchase, labelling, production, and distribution of organic products in the United States. The NOP regulations ensure that organic agricultural products are produced according to federal standards outlined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The NOP regulations also require that organic products are free of prohibited substances such as pesticide residues and genetically modified organisms.

The United States offers two certification programs for producers that want their products to be certified organic: one for farmers, ranchers and the other for manufacturers. Each program requires an annual audit of operations to ensure compliance with strict standards. Several certifying agents offer these services, including CCOF Certified Organic Farmers & Ranchers, Quality Assurance International, and the American Grassfed Association. These organizations offer third-party verification that farms adhere to strict guidelines about environmental stewardship and labour practices.

According to USDA’s Economic Research Service, organic farming accounted for $4.7Billion in 2013 sales. It was a 23 percent rise in retail spending for certified organic products since 2009. The number of grocery stores that sold organic products increased 12 percent over the same period. Spending on organic produce directly increased by 29.9%, while meat, poultry eggs, and seafood spending grew only by 1%.

Organic food is more expensive, but consumers believe its quality is worth the extra cost. According to a 2015 survey conducted by Consumer Reports, 88 percent of respondents said they would pay more for organic food if it meant higher nutritional value. A Health Affairs study also found that organic food consumers are less likely to develop health problems such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease, depression, and other diseases.

While there is no evidence that organic food can prevent or treat any diseases, there are some studies suggesting that eating them may improve your overall health by reducing your exposure to pesticides and other contaminants. In 2010, a review that included 31 studies concluded that organically-raised beef had lower levels of parasites and toxic chemicals than conventionally reared beef. Similar results were also reached by a separate analysis of 11 2012 studies.

According to a 2014 report by the Environmental Working Group, the incidence of foodborne disease caused by E.coli, salmonella or listeria monocytogenes, E. coli and E. coli O157H7 was lower when organic chicken, non-organic pork, beef, lamb and milk were compared. The group also observed that E.coliO157 is a less prevalent cause of illness in humans among children than adults. This was because the USDA has imposed stricter organic standards on animals raised for human consumption.