Friday, May 10, 2024

From Garden to Table: Learn How to Make the BEST Cornbread Recipe!

At, we combine our passion for spices, herbs and organic eating with a mission to deliver knowledge and flavors from around the world. We offer access to a wide variety of sustainable spices and herbs for all types of cooking, from family homes to five-star restaurants.

At we believe that every chef has something unique and delicious to share with their taste buds! If you have any special recipes or would like to contribute an article for our blog section, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].

We are devoted to promoting sustainable eating practices that respect cultures worldwide and inspire us with new flavors each day. Let’s work together towards bettering the Earth while enjoying scrumptious dishes!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Enjoy this beautiful cooking recipe now and try it at home ;)
From Garden to Table: Learn How to Make the BEST Cornbread Recipe!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the ten most popular spices?

Spices can be used to flavor foods and beverages. Some spices are more widely used than others. There are many varieties of spices. Let's take a look at the top ten most loved spices and see why they are so popular.

The addition of spice to your cooking adds flavour and aroma. Many spices are rich in essential vitamins and minerals that help keep our bodies strong.

Here are the top ten most-loved spices.

  1. Cinnamon is a spice that improves digestion and lowers cholesterol. It helps prevent the flu and colds.
  2. Garlic - This spice is known to boost immunity and fight infections. It helps lower blood pressure and aids digestion.
  3. Oregano is a spice that boosts energy and increases athletic performance. It can also help with memory problems and fight infection.
  4. Black Pepper – This spice is high in antioxidants, and has anti-inflammatory capabilities. It is also known to reduce stress levels and prevent heart disease.
  5. Basil-Basil is rich in vitamin K, calcium and iron. It also helps fight cancer cells and boosts metabolism.
  6. Salt & Vinegar - These two ingredients make a tasty combination. Both vinegar and salt are effective against viruses and bacteria.
  7. Cloves: Clove oil is an all-natural remedy for sore gums and toothaches. It can also relieve muscle spasms or cramps.
  8. Ginger – Ginger has been shown during pregnancy to alleviate nausea and morning sickiness. It is also known to clear congestion.
  9. Curry Powder - Curries have been around since ancient times. They were initially made with coconut milk, but we now use different oils or ghee bases.
  10. Turmeric – One of the oldest medical herbs is turmeric.

Try these 10 popular spices next time you are looking to add flavor to your meals. You might be surprised by what happens!

Which are the best Thai spice?

Galangal and coriander are some of the best Thai spices. The best spices are clove, cardamom. black peppercorn. fennel seeds. star anise.

Rose petals, bay leaves and pandan leaves are all valuable spices.

What spices are used to make Thai cuisine?

Thai cuisine is known for its complex flavour combinations. These flavors are created from unique, flavorful spices which create delicious dishes.

Thai cuisine uses common ingredients such as galangal (lemongrass), kaffir lime leaves and chillies.

Each of these spices contributes to the distinctive flavour profile of Thai cuisine. You will often find lemongrass in soups, curries and stews. Galangal gives dishes a peppery flavor; chilies add a spicy kick to dishes. Shrimp paste adds umami depth to dishes. Coriander adds a mild yet fragrant aroma to dishes. Cumin adds a smokey flavour to dishes. Turmeric gives dishes a bright yellow hue.

These spices work together to create unique flavour profiles for Thai cuisine. Mixing spices together can make dishes both tasty and aromatic. You can bring Thai flavors to your kitchen by stocking up on these spices.

What are the 7 Indian spices you use?

Indian spices are a group of spices used in Indian food. They include coriander and turmeric as well as cardamom, cumin and coriander. These spices add flavour and aroma to dishes by blending and complementing natural ingredients such as meats and vegetables. The unique flavour profiles created by spices are what make Indian cooking special.

Cardamom has an earthy, sweet flavor with notes of ginger and citrus. It is often used to flavour curries and rice dishes like biryani. Cumin has an earthy, rich aroma and a nutty flavor. It is often added in to curries, dals, or meat dishes. Coriander adds a delicate nuttiness and sweet citrus aroma to dishes. It is used to season lentils and vegetables.

Turmeric has an earthy flavour with mustard, spices, and pepper hints. This spice is used in many dishes, including curries. It has a golden colour. Fenugreek possesses a rich, earthy scent, slightly bitter flavour, and earthy tone tones. It is often used as a seasoning for meat dishes like kebabs. It is spicy and pungent with citrus hints. It gives a great kick to soups, curries, and chutneys. Asafoetida (hing), has a strong flavor and pungent smell that can be used in place of onion and garlic in certain recipes.

These spices produce unique flavors, which make Indian cooking distinctive.

What are the 11 spice ingredients in Indian cooking?

The eleven spices of Indian cuisine are coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, nigella seeds, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon sticks, dry red chili powder, turmeric, and cardamom.

These ingredients are used in almost every dish. These spices give a distinctive taste to dishes such as dal (lentils), curries, chutneys, pickles, rice, bread, and sweets.

Also, spices have many health benefits. For example, turmeric helps fight cancer cells. Cloves help protect against bad breath. Black pepper reduces cholesterol levels. Cinnamon lowers blood pressure. And ginger aids digestion.

A spice rack can be a wonderful kitchen tool, as it allows for you to try different flavors. You can make your spice mix or buy ready-made blends that contain many of the essential spices.

Some people don't like spices. They believe spices mask natural flavors and do not improve them. A pinch of salt or pepper will not harm your dishes.

Most chefs agree that spices are an essential part of cooking art. Without them, many dishes would be bland and tasteless. So next time you're feeling adventurous, why not try a new recipe and see what happens?


  • According to Healthline, pink Himalayan salt is estimated to contain up to 84 minerals and trace elements, which gives the salt its special pink color. (
  • According to the McCormick Science Institute, indigenous Indian spices were cultivated as early as the 8th century BC in the gardens of Babylon. (
  • India contributes to 75% of global spice production. (

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How To

How to Cut Shiitake Mushrooms

The shiitakes grow well. There's nothing wrong with them. But how do we cut them without cutting ourselves? We have tried every method, including using scissors. But they just keep slipping from our hands. What's the matter?

There's a trick to that. To make the mushroom stem stick out, wrap a rubber band around it and twist it tightly. By doing this, you won’t slip and get cut.

You may be thinking that this seems too easy. It is. However, it is also very efficient.

The rubber band makes stems slippery, making them feel more natural when picked up. Plus, it doesn't hurt to hold the stem tightly.

You can now try it. You will be amazed at the ease with which you can now cut mushrooms.