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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of organic fruits?
Organic foods are grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, hormones, or antibiotics. They also contain more nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, E, and K, plus omega-3 fatty acids. Organic food is healthier for the environment and our bodies.
Organic foods are produced with sustainable farming practices that promote soil quality and biological diversity. They are free from harmful chemicals, radiation, and sewage sludge.
Most people associate organics with fruits, but organic products also include dairy, meat and poultry, as well as baked goods, personal care items, pet food and household cleaning supplies.
"Organic" is defined by the USDA as crops that have been grown following strict guidelines set forth in federal government standards. These foods cannot be grown by farmers using conventional methods. They may however use approved natural pest management methods like crop rotation or cover cropping as well as organic feeds.
Additionally, the farmer must adhere to guidelines concerning the amount of fertilizer and pesticide that he uses during the growing seasons and how he rotates his fields among various crops. GMOs (genetically modified organisms), synthetic growth hormones and insecticides as well as synthetic fertilizers are prohibited by farmers.
All the above requirements are met by vegetables and fruits that are labeled "100% Organic". Some farms don't label their products 100% organic, as it could confuse consumers. Instead, they will say that their product is "made with organic components". "
Why should I buy organic?
The health risks of conventional agriculture include asthma, allergies and diabetes. Make healthy food choices.
Here are some tips from the Environmental Working Group (EWG).
When possible, buy organic fruits and veggies
Look for USDA organic labels on meat, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, butter, and honey.
Avoid processed foods that are labeled "natural" or "no added ingredients."
Be sure to read all ingredient labels. If an ingredient isn't listed, it may be added during processing.
Frozen and canned meats should be preferred to fresh. Foods that are frozen or canned often have less nutritionally-rich ingredients, such as high fructosecorn syrup.
What are organic foods?
Organic produce is produced without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. No growth hormones are used, and there is no animal testing. These crops are allowed to grow naturally, so farmers do not use chemicals to prevent weeds or pests.
Organic farming practices preserve soil quality and help conserve water resources. Organics contain more nutrients than regular food and are therefore better for our overall health. Organic foods are often higher in fiber, lower in fat, and less calories than those produced conventionally.
- According to a study performed by consumerreports.org, organic products, compared to non-organic products, ranged anywhere from 13 percent cheaper to 303 percent more expensive. (en.wikipedia.org)
- When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. (usda.gov)
- As for organic meat, regulations require that animals be raised in living conditions that accommodate their natural behaviours (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones. (usda.gov)
- Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- Occupational Pesticide Exposures and the Cancer Risk: A Review. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part. B. Vol 15, Issue 4.
- Genetically modified food safety and public concerns: a review by Journal of Food Science and Technology
How To
5 Reasons You Should Buy Organic Products
Organic food is grown without synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. They don't contain any genetically modified organisms or irradiated foods. Their production methods do not involve sewage sludge or industrial solvents. During the growth process, food is kept clean from any contamination. It is completely free from artificial preservatives, additives, and other harmful chemicals. There are no hormones and antibiotics used. They are also produced in conditions that enable them to preserve their nutritional value, freshness, and quality for longer periods.
- Health benefits. Organic produce contains less chemicals than nonorganic. This means that it is less likely to cause allergies. It also means you're consuming fewer toxins and carcinogens.
- Eco-friendliness. Produce grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizer needs very little water. Organic farms are located far from cities where there is a lot of pollution, because they require so much energy to grow. This helps to reduce air pollution.
- Sustainability. Organic farming relies more on soil fertility than chemical fertilizers. This results is healthier soils with higher organic matter. Soil health improves when farmers rotate crops and leave land fallow periodically. Strong immune systems develop when farm animals are fed only grasses grown without antibiotics or added hormones.
- Taste. Traditional fruits and vegetables are often bland due to the fact that they are picked at peak ripeness and shipped long distances for grocery stores. Organic produce tastes sweeter and more rich because it was picked when it was still young.
- Nutrition. GMOs and BPA can be found in many processed foods. If you want to avoid these, stick to whole foods such as meat, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, fruit, veggies, and herbs.
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