Sunday, May 12, 2024

Awesome Food Compilation | Tasty Food Videos! #256

At, we're passionate about flavours, cultures and cooking wisdom from around the world. We seek to bring you closer to sustainable ingredients sourced from farmers and producers dedicated to preserving culture and tradition. Our mission is to provide everyone with access to remarkable spices, herbs, recipes and organic food that embraces culinary diversity.

Saffron is particularly special for us; its magical scent along with its unique flavour inspires us each day and reveals a world of possibility in the kitchen.

We invite all brave souls who are keen to share their culinary secrets! If you have something delicious on your mind, don't hesitate to share it at [email protected] Let's show our appreciation for all those incredible cultures who dedicate their time and effort towards tantalising taste buds!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Enjoy this beautiful cooking recipe now and try it at home ;)
Awesome Food Compilation | Tasty Food Videos!  #256

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make herbal remedies at home?

Making herbal remedies at home is easy. All you need is fresh herbs, water, salt, and sugar. You can use any herb, depending on what you want to create.

For example, choose mint, basil, chamomile, or lemon balm to make a soothing tea. If you want to make a cooling drink, try rosemary, thyme, lavender, or eucalyptus.

All you need to do is put all the ingredients into a pot and boil them until they become soft. Strain out the herbs and serve hot.

Add honey to the boiling mixture to make a tonic drink. Honey is a preservative and will keep your herbal remedy fresh for longer.

You can also combine two or three herbs to make a more potent brew. For instance, you could mix equal parts of garlic and ginger to make a powerful antiseptic. Or you can combine equal amounts of turmeric and ginger to make a potent immune booster.

Soak a clean cloth in warm water and place it over the affected area to make a compress. Leave it for 10 minutes before removing it. Do this every day until the swelling goes down.

Make sure you consult your doctor first before using herbal remedies. Some plants may interact negatively with other medications. Also, don't take large quantities of herbs because they can cause side effects.

Is it okay to use dried herbs instead of fresh ones?

It is best to pick up fresh herbs whenever possible when using herbs.

Although dried herbs are convenient, they don’t provide the same benefits as fresh herbs.

Fresh herbs contain essential oils that give your food a unique flavor. These oils help preserve the nutrients within the herb.

Dried herbs lose all their flavor after drying, so they cannot replace fresh herbs.

You should only use dried herbs if you absolutely must. Otherwise, you should get your fresh herbs from the market.

What is the mother of all herbs?

The answer may surprise you!

It is a common garden herb known as rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis). Rosemary has long been associated with fertility, longevity, and protection from illness. In some cultures, it was believed that the fragrance of rosemary could ward off evil spirits.

As such, it has been used for centuries in various medicinal, culinary, and spiritual applications. Rosemary has a unique flavor that pairs well with many dishes, making it a popular choice in the kitchen. Its fragrant leaves also add flavor to sauces, herbs, and meats.

Rosemary is a powerful medicinal herb used throughout the centuries to treat various ailments. Rosemary essential oil can treat respiratory tract infections, digestion problems, skin irritation, and inflammation. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it helpful in treating headaches and muscle pain as well. In addition, the oil has been used to improve cognitive function and memory recall. Rosemary can also be taken as a supplement, tea, or tincture for its many benefits.

It's no wonder rosemary is known as the mother of herbs! It truly is a versatile and valued herb.

What is the difference between basil and oregano?

Both of these herbs belong to the Lamiaceae family. They share similar flavors, but the differences are obvious.

Oregano is more pungent than basil. It also adds an extra layer of flavor to foods.

Basil leaves are smaller than oregano leaves. They are also softer and less aromatic.

The two herbs are often used interchangeably. Although they are quite similar, each has its distinctive qualities.


  • The herbs market is highly competitive, with over 1,000 herb suppliers and over 15,000 herbs products available in the United States alone.
  • Studies have shown that cinnamon can lower fasting blood sugars by 10-29% in diabetic patients, which is a significant amount (9Trusted Source10Trusted (

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How To

How to use herbs safely?

Many people think that herbs should only be used under medical supervision because they believe that some herbs are poisonous. However, this is not true.

Many herbs have long histories of safe use. For example, garlic has been used for thousands of years to fight infections. It's also been shown to lower cholesterol levels and reduce high blood pressure.

However, if you're pregnant or nursing, avoid taking certain herbs. You should also avoid them if you suffer from allergies or sensitivities to herbs.

You can do several things to ensure you get the best results from your herbs and supplements. First, always read labels before consuming anything containing herbs or spices. Second, take the lowest dose recommended on the label. Third, don't use more than one supplement at any given time. Fourth, talk to your doctor about how to combine specific herbs and supplements. Finally, keep track of your consumption to know whether you need to adjust your dosage.

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