Monday, Mar 10, 2025

winter at the mountain cottage *preparing for christmas*

Genuinely embracing global flavours, invites food lovers and passionate chefs to explore a world of spices and herbs, organic food, and good food. Our mission is simple; we want to bring you closer to the cooks and farmers worldwide who recognise the unique power of all-natural ingredients to create an unforgettable flavour. Undoubtedly, saffron holds a special place in our hearts, as its incredible aroma ignited our passion for cooking.

Our aim goes far beyond delving into recipes and teaching culinary techniques; we intend to promote sustainable eating as an essential part of preserving humans’ relationship with nature. As such, we invite anyone who shares this same conviction or has a secret family recipe they would like to share with the rest of us to visit us online or contact us at [email protected] for all collaborations and submissions. Let’s show appreciation for those that dedicate their lives using natural deliciousness to establish meaningful human bonds through cuisine!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

winter at the mountain cottage *preparing for christmas*

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between cooking whole and with ground spices? Ground Spices?

There are no differences between cooking with whole spices or ground spices. After harvesting, all spices are ground. There is no quality difference.

However, this price differential is quite significant. Whole spices cost more because of the labour involved in processing them. But the flavour is well worth it.

Buy whole spices and you'll often receive additional discounts. A whole bag of cinnamon sticks might be eligible for a discount.

This is true for cloves, ginger and cardamom. You might be able to save money by buying these spices in bulk.

Ground spices don't last as long as whole spices. Ground spices lose their potency very quickly due to oxidation.

Whole spices are a great way to add personality and flavor to your recipe.

You can make delicious curry using whole turmeric, instead of ground turmeric. You can also grind whole coriander leaves to make a spice mix for chicken dishes.

The process of grinding spices takes a lot of time. If you're buying whole spices it makes sense for you to buy large quantities. That way, you won't run out of spices too fast.

Is Thai food made with cumin?

Cumin is one of the most commonly used spices in Thai cuisine. To create Thai dishes with unique flavours, cumin is often combined in various combinations with garlic ginger, coriander, coriander, or other spices.

Stir-fries and soups, as well as salads, are some of the most popular uses for cumin. Cumin is often used to make marinades, dressings or sauces. Other spices, however, are important in Thai cuisine.

Fish sauce, garlic and ginger are all great additions to this mix. You can create Thai-inspired signature dishes by combining spices in different proportions.

Cumin is essential to Thai cooking. It's often used in Thai traditional dishes. The flavours brought about by this spice provide a unique and complex taste that is integral to the experience of eating Thai food. Cumin spices many Thai dishes and is an integral part of Thai cuisine.

By adding spices such as cumin to their dishes, chefs can create delicious and unique flavours that capture the essence of Thai cooking. The answer is yes, cumin is an essential component of many Thai traditional dishes.

Can you add spice into a drink

It's amazing how spices can add flavour and flavor to food. But how do you make spices liven up when they are added to drinks?

Spices are great because they bring out the best in any beverage. You can add a little cinnamon or nutmeg to any glass of wine, beer or coffee.

But, since most recipes call to ground spices, you'll need whole spices. While this makes sense, it is costly, takes time and requires storage space.

Here's where the magic happens. It's possible to transform your favorite spices into a powdered form that is easy to use with a bit of creativity. Then you can mix them into your favourite beverages to create delicious spiced drinks.

There are two ways to go about creating these powders. The first involves the grinding of whole spices to make fine powder. One method involves using a mortar-and-pestle to grind spices into a finer consistency.

You'll find it easier to make powder than whole spices, regardless of the method. Plus, the powder keeps well so that you won't run out of stock.

You can also experiment with different spices to create new flavor combinations. Peppermint and spearmint can be combined to make minty water. For spicy ginger tea, use ginger and cardamom capsules.

Once you are skilled in the production of powdered spices, it is possible to apply that technique to herbs. Some of the most common herbs are basil, rosemary, thyme, oregano and sage.

The possibilities are endless. Powdered spices can be used to add flavour to beverages or enhance the flavor of dishes like soups, salads and pasta.


  • According to the McCormick Science Institute, indigenous Indian spices were cultivated as early as the 8th century BC in the gardens of Babylon. (
  • Their 14 to 20 percent essential oil content means that cloves have the highest concentration of aroma compounds of any spice. (
  • It has been estimated that around 1,000 tons of pepper and 1,000 tons of other common spices were imported into Western Europe each year during the Late Middle Ages. (

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How To

How to decide what spices to buy?

To cook, you'll need to know how to choose the right herbs and spices for your recipes. There are hundreds to choose from, so where should you start when choosing the right ones for your pantry?

When selecting spices, you need to be aware of three key factors: cost, shelf life, flavour, and cost. There are many flavour profiles that can be used depending on how you cook meat, poultry, fish and vegetables as well as beans, grains, pastas, eggs, bread, cakes, and other foods. So once you've decided on a category, you'll need to narrow down your choices based on these differences.

The shelf life of spices can also vary. Some spices last forever, while others expire quickly. Cayenne pepper, for example, can last years while oregano, on the other hand, loses its potency within two months. Then there's the price. Spices are available in a range of prices, from $1 per tablespoon to more expensive than $100 per an ounce. This means that spice prices can vary widely.

You'll also want to determine whether you prefer organic or non-organic ingredients. Organic products are safer for the environment and contain less pesticides and chemicals than their conventional counterparts. You'll have to balance the benefits and costs of organic products.

Online shopping is the best option to find the right spices. Online retailers provide detailed information on each product, including ingredient lists, pricing, reviews, and ratings.

Once you have narrowed your selection, you are able to place an order directly at the retailer. Once you have received your items safely store them in an airtight container, away from heat & light.


winter at the mountain cottage *preparing for christmas*


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Today the boys are cooking up a storm using unusual methods... power tools?! No oven, no hob, no knives! Can they pull it off and will Chef Ben notice? ONLY

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definition of spices

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Important spices in cooking

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What's missing from torque wrenches? You guessed right if you guessed "vaguely safe for work sounds whenever they reach specified torque". So I decided to do

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Happy Friyay! Safety third! Nobody works, so nobody gets hurt.

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This holiday season, check out Holzkern’s complete line-up of unique and original timepieces, men’s jewelry, and other high-quality designs at (

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Herbs, spice & everything nice, these blog and articles explain the many uses of spices, including spices for weight loss, spices for brewing, and how to store

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Author Jacob Silverman joins Emma to talk about what the heck is going on at OpenAI.

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 Pepper imports in August were unusually high at 3,800 tonnesRising imports have kept black pepper prices steady in the domestic market over the past few days,

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 Plantation in São Mateus, Espirito SantoBrazil remains stable and firm; expected to slowlymove at upward trend. Still seeing difficulties in securing raw

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spices | Visit our blog for recipes, cooking tips and techniques as well as our staff's favorite eats and travel adventures.

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Over the past week, black pepper prices have slightly increased by about  1,5% from 73,000 - 74,000.The largest market, China, has resumed purchasing along

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 INTERNATIONAL cloves prices have held mostly firm in recent weeks as farmers at origin remain reluctant to lower their pricing ambitions and exporters appear

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For the second year in a row Vietnam became the biggest importer of brazilian black pepper, overcoming traditional destinations like USA and also Germany.USA

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This spice blog writes about Indian fenugreek, Canadian coriander, Egyptian dill weed, Syrian Aleppo pepper, Granada nutmeg, & more from around the world.

winter at the mountain cottage *preparing for christmas*


  August 28, 2023Likely that Vietnam's pepper exports in the first 8 months of the year will reach around 183-185,000 tons. If the forecasted annual pepper

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 - In coming time, world pepper market will increase due to reduced supply (low price, low yield due to many old trees, reduced interest in farming due to

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 As prices of cardamom rise, India is in danger of losing its export markets to the cheaper Guatemalan cardamom. Even the upcoming festive season may not help

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World of Spice is your online store for a massive range of High Quality Herbs Spices and Seasonings. Wholesale, Foodservice and Catering High Quality Herbs

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 KEY HIGHLIGHTSAugust 11th 2023The pepper market this week showed a mix response with only Malaysian local white pepper price reported with a decrease.The

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 As demand outstrips supply and imports become expensive, black pepper prices have risen, prompting growers to resort to hoarding in anticipation of bigger

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