Saturday, Mar 15, 2025

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At, we are passionate about spices, herbs, recipes and organic eating. It is our mission to bring awareness of flavors from around the world and provide access to a full range of spices, herbs and organic food from sustainable farming. I am particularly excited to share my love of saffron with others and help bring the joy of cooking into people's lives.

But it is not simply about providing delicious recipes for saffron dishes – it is also about promoting sustainable eating that respects those from all different cultural backgrounds who dedicate their lives to serving fantastic meals in both family homes and 5-star restaurants across the globe.

If you have a special recipe or would like to contribute an article to our blog section, please reach out as we would love to hear from you at [email protected]. We believe everyone has something extraordinary to offer their taste buds!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Frequently Asked Questions

Almond Flour or Almond Meal? What is the difference?

An almond meal, which can be used as an almond flour substitute, is more versatile than other almond flours because it can be used for baking and cooking, as well as making nut free dishes.

Almond flour can also be gluten-containing, which can make it difficult to digest. It is important to avoid gluten-free products if you have celiac or other digestive disorders.

Almond flour isn't considered "superfood", but it is high in healthy fats, fibres, protein, vitamin E, and sodium.

The almond meal offers many nutritional benefits including iron, magnesium, zinc, manganese (thiamin), calcium, vitamin A, B1 and Vitamin C.

Almond flour is made from almonds and contains monounsaturated fat acids. Almond oil, however, contains polyunsaturated oils. Both types help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

Almond flour is high in antioxidants including phenolics, flavonoids, and proanthocyanidins. These compounds protect against oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

An experiment published in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry showed that almond flour has an equivalent antioxidant activity to that of blueberries.

Almond flour is commonly sold together with almondmilk, which has additional nutrients.

What are the seven Indian spices?

Indian spices is a collection Indian spices. They usually include cardamom (also known by hing), cumin, turmeric, coriander,fenugreek, ginger, and asafoetida. They enhance flavour and aroma of dishes by blending with natural ingredients like meats and vegetables. Spices create unique flavour profiles, which make Indian cuisine so distinctive.

Cardamom has a sweet and pungent taste with hints of citrus and ginger. It is used often to flavor curries and rice dishes such as biryani. Cumin has a earthy aroma and a rich, bitter flavour. It is often added in to curries, dals, or meat dishes. Coriander's sweet, citrus aroma adds a subtle sweetness to dishes. It is often used in seasoning vegetables and lentils.

Turmeric has an earthy flavour with mustard, spices, and pepper hints. This spice is used in many dishes, including curries. It has a golden colour. Fenugreek's aroma is rich and has earthy tones. It is often used as a seasoning for meat dishes like kebabs. Ginger is spicy, pungent, and has hints of citrus. It gives a great kick to soups, curries, and chutneys. Asafoetida, or hing, has a pungent aroma and strong flavor. It can be substituted for onion and garlic in some recipes.

These spices together create unique flavors that make Indian food so special.

How to Store Spices

Keep them in an airtight container away from light and heat.

To store spices for longer periods of time, place them in a dark cupboard. This will ensure that they stay fresh and prevent any possible oxidation.

Keep your spices out of direct sunlight and in a cool dry place. If the spice is placed near a heater or window, it may lose its flavour and aroma.

Spices need to be kept in an airtight glass container or tin. If you are storing your spices in plastic containers, ensure there is no moisture.

Always check the seal after opening and resealing, as humidity can cause spoilage.

Do not throw away any spices that you have left over. Make sure to use leftover spices in other recipes. For an extended shelf life, you can freeze the vegetables.

What's the difference between cooking whole and with ground spices? Ground Spices?

There are no differences between cooking with whole spices or ground spices. All spices can be ground once they have been harvested. This ensures that there are no differences in the quality of spices.

But the price gap is significant. Whole spices are more expensive due to the labour required for processing them. But the taste is worth it.

You'll often find extra discounts for bulk purchases when you buy whole spices. For example, you might receive a discount if you buy an entire bag of cinnamon sticks.

The same is true for nutmeg cloves ginger, cardamom, and ginger. You may be able save money if you buy these spices in bulk.

Whole spices also last longer than ground spices. This is because ground spices lose their potency quickly due to oxidation.

The main reason we recommend whole spices over dried is that they can add lots of flavor to recipes.

A delicious curry can be made with whole turmeric as opposed to ground turmeric. You can also use whole coriander to create a spice combination for chicken dishes.

The process of grinding spices takes a lot of time. A large amount of whole spices is a good idea. So you don't run short of spices.

What are the ten best-loved spices?

Spices can be used to flavor foods and beverages. Some spices are more well-known than others. There are hundreds more varieties of spices. Let's look at the ten most beloved spices and discover why they are so loved.

Spice is essential in cooking because it adds flavour and aroma without adding calories. Many spices also contain essential vitamins and minerals, which help keep our bodies healthy.

Here are the top ten most-loved spices.

  1. Cinnamon is a spice that improves digestion and lowers cholesterol. It helps prevent the flu and colds.
  2. Garlic - This spice boosts immunity and fights infections. It aids in digestion and lowers blood pressure.
  3. Oregano is a spice that boosts energy and increases athletic performance. It also fights infection and improves memory.
  4. Black Pepper -This spice is full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known to reduce stress levels and prevent heart disease.
  5. Basil -Basil also contains vitamin K and calcium. It aids in the fight against cancer cells as well as boosting metabolism.
  6. Salt and Vinegar - This combination makes for a delicious dish. Both vinegar and salt can be used to fight viruses and bacteria.
  7. Cloves- Clove oil - This natural remedy is great for sore throats, toothaches, and even sore throats. It is also great for muscle spasms, cramps, and other issues.
  8. Ginger - Ginger has been shown to reduce nausea and morning sickness in pregnancy. It clears congestion and helps to relieve headaches.
  9. Curry Powder - Curries have been around since ancient times. They were first made with coconut cream, but today they can be made with different oils or ghee.
  10. Turmeric - One of the oldest medicinal herbs.

You can add flavour to your next meal by using these ten most popular spices in place of salt. You might be amazed by the results.

What spices can be used in Thai cooking

Thai cuisine is well known for its diverse flavour profiles. These flavours come from unique and flavorful spices that create various delicious dishes.

Common ingredients for Thai cooking are galangal, lemongrass, kaffirlim leaves, chillies and garlic.

Each spice adds to Thai cuisine's distinct flavour profile. Lemongrass is often used in soups, curries, and stews; galangal adds a slight peppery note to dishes; kaffir lime leaves impart a citrusy aroma; chillies provide a spicy kick; garlic adds a sharp and pungent flavour to dishes; shrimp paste adds an umami depth to food; coriander has a mild, yet fragrant aroma; cumin brings a smoky note to dishes; and turmeric gives food a vibrant yellow hue.

These spices create complex flavour profiles that are unique to Thai cuisine. By using a combination of spices, chefs can create dishes that are both flavorful and aromatic. These spices will help you bring Thailand's flavours to your kitchen.

What mint is used in Thai food?

The most common type of mint used in Thai cuisine is lime-leaf mint (Mentha Cervina).

It is mild and lemony in flavour, which adds freshness as well as zing to dishes. Thai dishes often include other spices such as galangal (lemongrass), garlic, and coriander.

Mint can be used as a sweet or savoury herb. It is crucial to use authentic Thai flavors by using the right spices, herbs, aromatics.

If you're making Thai dishes, be sure to include lime-leaf fresh mint!

Happy cooking!


  • According to the McCormick Science Institute, indigenous Indian spices were cultivated as early as the 8th century BC in the gardens of Babylon. (
  • Their 14 to 20 percent essential oil content means that cloves have the highest concentration of aroma compounds of any spice. (
  • According to Healthline, pink Himalayan salt is estimated to contain up to 84 minerals and trace elements, which gives the salt its special pink color. (

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How To

How to Cut Shiitake Mushrooms?

So the shiitakes have been doing well. There's nothing wrong about them. How do we cut them? We have tried every method, including using scissors. But they keep slipping out of our hands. What's going on here?

It's possible to do this by using a trick. You must put a rubber band around the mushroom's stem and twist it tight. You won't slip, and you won't be cut.

This may seem too simple. It is. It's also extremely effective.

The rubber band makes stems slippery, making them feel more natural when picked up. Plus, it doesn't hurt to hold the stem tightly.

Try it now. It's so easy to chop mushrooms now.


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This chain reaction explosion at a fireworks market is dazzling but deadly. "The cause of the explosion is unknown, but sources preliminarily claimed that

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A Ukrainian naval drone loaded with 450 Kg of TNT reportedly blew a hole in the hull of a large Russian warship which had 100 crew members on board. a video

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definition of spices

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We have a SIP-Prise For @3MISSISSIPPI |homesteading gardening chickens... Sippin' & Spillin' What! ? We FINALLY made it to Syd and Mikes for the first part of

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Uncover the Enchanting World of Garam Masala Welcome to our captivating culinary journey, where we unveil the time-honored secrets of creating the most

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I'm giving you my views on which expensive kitchen tools are worth buying and the gear I think you SHOULDN'T waste your money on. Sign up to Morning Brew for

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Herbs, spice & everything nice, these blog and articles explain the many uses of spices, including spices for weight loss, spices for brewing, and how to store

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 The price of pepper from India increased by 20% in the past week. The main reason is the sudden increase in demand from the domestic market. Besides, the

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Vietnam seen firmer today as market opened with raw material price at 72,5 VND/kg an uptrend by about 3,5% from opening week 30  level. Small demand was mostly

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spices | Visit our blog for recipes, cooking tips and techniques as well as our staff's favorite eats and travel adventures.

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 Caviar, Champagne…cardamom? While it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when we think about culinary delicacies, the latter certainly carries its

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 Victims — some of whom had to close their shops because of the losses — say the heists were executed with such meticulous planning and finesse that they

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 Kochi: The price of pepper increased by Rs 30 per kilo within a day. In other words, the price per quintal went up by Rs 3000. This sudden and unexpected rise

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This spice blog writes about Indian fenugreek, Canadian coriander, Egyptian dill weed, Syrian Aleppo pepper, Granada nutmeg, & more from around the world.

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 KUCHING, Monday, 24 Jul 2023The price recovery in domestic pepper built up in the January to June 2023 period is expected to gather pace in the second half of

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Van Socheata  20 July 2023 In the first half of 2023, Cambodian pepper exports, encompassing all varieties, hit about 4,300 tonnes. This reflects a drop of

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Tamatave, Madagascar, 18 June, 2023:- Global Clove market is complexed with fundamental and technical and speculative factors. Present market position is FIRM ,

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World of Spice is your online store for a massive range of High Quality Herbs Spices and Seasonings. Wholesale, Foodservice and Catering High Quality Herbs

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 July 16, 2023TAMATAVE, Madagascar, 14 July 2023:- The recent up & down swing in Clove price might have surprised many. Not every one. Clove has now become a

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 In June 2023, Vietnam exported 21,209 tons of all kinds of pepper, 18,545 tons of black pepper, 2,664 tons of white pepper. Total export turnover reached