Friday, Mar 14, 2025

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Elevating the everyday is our mission. At, we think the world deserves more than conventional cuisines — and more than take-out from chains. Our goal is to celebrate cultural flavours through spices, herbs and organic food from sustainable farming.

Saffron is our love affair; a culinary crescendo that evokes a warmth of its own. But cooking is so much more than a single ingredient — it’s also about respect. It’s about respecting people from different cultures who dedicate their lives to creating something extraordinary with every dish they serve; family meals or five-star restaurants alike.

And that’s why we’re inviting everyone to join us – to share their recipes, explore new flavors and be part of something special. We know everyone has something delicious to offer!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of spices?

A spice is an ingredient that adds flavor to food. Spices come in various forms, such as powders, liquids, gums, oils, pastes, and seeds. They can also be called condiments or flavours.

A great way to spice up your meals is to add some variety. Numerous spices can be added to dishes for extra flavour and excitement.

A few drops of hot sauce can make a soup taste better. Or perhaps you could mix a handful of cayenne peppers with a cup of rice.

Fresh ingredients are the best way to try new spicing techniques. If you buy dried herbs, look for those that are organic. Fresh herbs can last for longer than dried.

While some spices are essential for cooking, others might be better to avoid. If you have a history or liver disease, cinnamon sticks can be dangerous. Although ginger also contains coumarin it is much less concentrated. It is safe for people without a history or liver disease.

How to store your spices?

Keep them in an airtight container away from light and heat.

For longer storage, store spices in a dark cabinet. This will keep the spices fresh and prevent any oxidation.

Keep spices dry and away from sunlight in a cool, dry place. A heater or window can cause the spice to lose its aroma and flavour.

Spices are best stored in an airtight glass jar or tin. If storing in plastic containers, make sure there is no moisture inside the container.

Always check the seal after opening and resealing, as humidity can cause spoilage.

You don't have to throw out leftover spices. Instead, use them up by adding them to other dishes. To prolong their shelf life you can freeze them.

Can Thai food contain cumin?

Cumin is the most used spice in Thai cuisine. Many Thai dishes are made with cumin, garlic, ginger and coriander.

Stir-fries are a popular use of cumin in Thai cooking. Cumin is also often added to marinades, dressings, and sauces. Cumin is a key ingredient in Thai food. However, there are many other spices.

The mix can be enhanced with fish sauce, garlic, ginger, chilli peppers and ginger. These spices can be combined in different ways to create authentic Thai dishes.

Cumin is an essential ingredient in Thai cooking. It is used in many Thai traditional dishes. This spice gives Thai food a distinct and complex flavor. Cumin is an important ingredient in Thai cuisine because it adds unique spices to many dishes.

By adding spices such as cumin to their dishes, chefs can create delicious and unique flavours that capture the essence of Thai cooking. Answer: Yes, cumin is a crucial component in many Thai classic dishes.

Does Thai use ginger?

The answer is yes. The traditional Thai cooking uses ginger heavily. Ginger is used extensively in Thai traditional cooking. It's often added to soups and stir-fries, and it's also common in desserts and drinks like lassis.

Ginger is a native to China and Japan. The origins of ginger go back over 5,000 year. It is believed to have originated in Southeast Asia, where it was cultivated for medicinal purposes.

Ginger is well-known for its ability to relieve nausea and stimulate digestion. It may even help prevent migraines. Ginger aids in relieving muscle spasms and joint pains. It can also treat arthritis.

Ginger is most commonly used fresh in Thailand. The ginger root is cut into thin strips, dried and stored in a sealed container for future use. You can buy ginger root in jars or cans from Asian markets.

Thai food includes paprika.

Yes. It's an ingredient in many dishes including Pad See Ew (Thai Fried Rice), and eggs cooked in coconut milk.

Paprika is found in Thai food and Mexican, Italian, Spanish, Indian, Chinese, French, Moroccan, Middle Eastern, Lebanese, Greek, Turkish, and Balkan cuisines.

Paprika can be traced back over 5,000 years ago to Ancient Greece. The Hungarian language means "pepper" and the word "paprika".


  • Their 14 to 20 percent essential oil content means that cloves have the highest concentration of aroma compounds of any spice. (
  • India contributes to 75% of global spice production. (
  • It has been estimated that around 1,000 tons of pepper and 1,000 tons of other common spices were imported into Western Europe each year during the Late Middle Ages. (

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How To

How to Make a Garlic Pressure?

A garlic press is a valuable tool in every home cook's kitchen. It makes it easy to mince garlic into a paste, puree it into soups or salad dressings, or even make a sauce. It's also great for crushing whole garlic cloves into a buttery spread or garlic salt.

It's possible to be confused if you don’t yet own a garlicpress. We have some tips to help get you started.

First of all, you'll need to get a large bowl. Place the bowl beneath the press, and then pour the crushed garlic in it. Now, turn the pressure regulator to maximum.

Next, turn your handle clockwise to hear a click. The top part of the press should lift off and reveal a flat surface that will allow you to slide the blade back and forth over the bowl. Continue turning the handle in a clockwise direction until the blades come to a close.

Finally, take out the pressed ginger and enjoy!

Here are other ways you can make use of this versatile tool.

  • Use minced garlic in soups, sauces and salads as a seasoning or even as a garnish.
  • The press can be used to crush whole garlic cloves and make buttery spread.
  • Place whole garlic cloves in a pizza dough and crush them before baking
  • Combine roasted garlic with mashed potatoes and creamy polenta
  • Make pesto with garlic mashed in the press
  • Puree garlic into a smooth vinaigrette


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Cheapest grocery | Rice ,spices, descends are available in low price Location : zakir qadri masala & kiryana khori garden ,kunda Gali,

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definition of spices

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Una squadra di soli uomini ha affrontato un team di sole donne in una sfida molto divertente. Chi avrà vinto più challenge? Ma soprattutto: chi è stato il

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Everybody loves dogs right? Well there's plenty of good puppers in the pokemon world too like Arcanine, Jolteon and many more! So what would happen if you use

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Important spices in cooking

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In Phase 5 of Decked Out we switch up our strategy to focus on building our card collection and having fun. We take advantage of the suit up card to play

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MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how Donald Trump and his kids are set to testify this week and next week and it’s the first time in their life they

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► Popeyes Spicy Truff Chicken Sandwich is definitely DIFFERENT in the Chicken Sandwich Game but what does it REALLY taste like? ► Book Me On

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Herbs, spice & everything nice, these blog and articles explain the many uses of spices, including spices for weight loss, spices for brewing, and how to store

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 Pepper imports in August were unusually high at 3,800 tonnesRising imports have kept black pepper prices steady in the domestic market over the past few days,

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 Plantation in São Mateus, Espirito SantoBrazil remains stable and firm; expected to slowlymove at upward trend. Still seeing difficulties in securing raw

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spices | Visit our blog for recipes, cooking tips and techniques as well as our staff's favorite eats and travel adventures.

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Over the past week, black pepper prices have slightly increased by about  1,5% from 73,000 - 74,000.The largest market, China, has resumed purchasing along

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 INTERNATIONAL cloves prices have held mostly firm in recent weeks as farmers at origin remain reluctant to lower their pricing ambitions and exporters appear

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For the second year in a row Vietnam became the biggest importer of brazilian black pepper, overcoming traditional destinations like USA and also Germany.USA

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This spice blog writes about Indian fenugreek, Canadian coriander, Egyptian dill weed, Syrian Aleppo pepper, Granada nutmeg, & more from around the world.

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  August 28, 2023Likely that Vietnam's pepper exports in the first 8 months of the year will reach around 183-185,000 tons. If the forecasted annual pepper

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 - In coming time, world pepper market will increase due to reduced supply (low price, low yield due to many old trees, reduced interest in farming due to

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 As prices of cardamom rise, India is in danger of losing its export markets to the cheaper Guatemalan cardamom. Even the upcoming festive season may not help

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World of Spice is your online store for a massive range of High Quality Herbs Spices and Seasonings. Wholesale, Foodservice and Catering High Quality Herbs

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 KEY HIGHLIGHTSAugust 11th 2023The pepper market this week showed a mix response with only Malaysian local white pepper price reported with a decrease.The

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 As demand outstrips supply and imports become expensive, black pepper prices have risen, prompting growers to resort to hoarding in anticipation of bigger