Sunday, Mar 16, 2025

Quick and Easy Mediterranean Recipes with Amy Riolo

Welcome to, where we embrace everything related to spices, herbs, nutritious food, and organic eating! We are not professional chefs but food enthusiasts who enjoy exploring the various flavors from across the globe. My passion for cooking with saffron sparked the launch of this website--but it is much more than just about saffron and recipes! Our mission is to promote organic farming and sustainable eating habits actively. Around the world, countless people dedicate their lives to preparing delicious meals in their home kitchens or five-star restaurants. If you would like to contribute a blog article or share family recipes with the rest of the world, please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]. Good food deserves a spotlight—and here at, we are shining that spotlight on YOU!

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Quick and Easy Mediterranean Recipes with Amy Riolo

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of spices?

A spice is a seasoning used to enhance flavour in food. Spices can be powdered, liquids or oils. They can also be called condiments or flavours.

Spice up your meals with a variety of spices. Many spices can be added for additional flavor and excitement.

You may find that adding a few drops of hot pepper sauce to a bowl of soup will make it taste more delicious. Or perhaps you could mix a handful of cayenne peppers with a cup of rice.

Fresh ingredients are the best option to spice up your recipes. When you are buying dried herbs, make sure they are organic. Fresh herbs keep longer than dried ones.

Some spices are essential to cooking; however, there are some that you might prefer to avoid. Cinnamon sticks have high levels of coumarin. They should not be consumed if you have had liver disease in the past. Ginger also contains coumarin, but it's much less concentrated. People who do not have any liver problems are safe.

What are the ten best-loved spices?

Spices are used for flavouring foods and drinks. Some spices are more popular than others. There are hundreds upon hundreds of spices. So let's look at the ten most popular ones and find out why they are so well-loved.

The addition of spice to your cooking adds flavour and aroma. Many spices are also rich in vitamins and minerals that can keep your body healthy.

Here are the ten most widely used spices.

  1. Cinnamon: This spice is known for improving digestion and lowering cholesterol. It can also help to prevent the flu.
  2. Garlic – This spice can boost immunity and fight infection. It can also help lower blood pressure by aiding digestion.
  3. Oregano: This spice improves athletic performance and energy levels. It helps to fight infection and improve memory.
  4. Black pepper - This spice is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to reduce stress and heart diseases.
  5. Basil-Basil contains vitamin B, calcium, iron. It is also known to boost metabolism and fight cancer cells.
  6. Salt and Vinegar - This combination makes for a delicious dish. Both vinegar and salt can be used to fight viruses and bacteria.
  7. Cloves: Clove oil is an all-natural remedy for sore gums and toothaches. It is also great for muscle spasms, cramps, and other issues.
  8. Ginger – Ginger has been proved to relieve nausea and morning vomiting during pregnancy. It also helps clear congestion from your sinuses.
  9. Curry Powder-Curries have been around since ancient time. They were initially made with coconut milk, but we now use different oils or ghee bases.
  10. Turmeric - This spice is one of the oldest medicinal herbs.

Use these ten favorite spices to enhance the flavour of your next meal. You might be amazed by the results.

Can Thai food contain cumin?

Cumin is a popular spice in Thai cuisine. Many Thai dishes are made with cumin, garlic, ginger and coriander.

Stir-fries (curries), soups, salads and soups are some of the many uses for cumin that Thai cooks use. Cumin can also be added to sauces, marinades and dressings. While cumin gives Thai food its distinctive flavour, other spices are also at play.

Unique flavours are added by fish sauce, garlic cloves, ginger, and chilli peppers. By combining these spices in different proportions, chefs can create signature dishes that capture the essence of Thai cuisine.

Cumin is essential to Thai cooking. It's often used in Thai traditional dishes. Cumin's unique flavours add a rich and distinct flavor to Thai food. Cumin's distinctive spices are a key ingredient in Thai cuisine.

The unique flavors of Thai cuisine can be captured by chefs adding spices like cumin to their meals. So the answer to the question is yes - cumin is a critical component in many traditional Thai dishes.

What are the uses of Thai spice?

It's a term we all have heard, even though we don't know what it actually means. It makes our mouths water when we try it.

It's much more than a spice. It is an essential ingredient that brings flavor and depth into dishes that might otherwise be boring.

Many recipes call for Thai spice, but only a few have the actual thing. Let's discuss how to incorporate these tasty flavors into your meals.

Thais have been cooking with herbs, spices and other flavors since ancient times. The name Thai originates from the Sanskrit word for "to cook."

Thais are still fond of spicy foods. This preference can often be attributed to Thailand's hot weather, which makes it hard to stay warm without hot beverages. Thais consume more chili peppers than Americans and Europeans.

Visit a local Asian grocery shop to find out more about Thai spices. There, you'll find a wide variety of ingredients, including dried chilies, fresh basil leaves, curry paste, and even ground black pepper.

Whole peppercorns, whole cloves, cinnamon sticks and star anise may also be found.

There are two types of spices in Thai cuisine: dry and wet. Dry spices are generally ground, while wet spices can be crushed or pounded finely.

Dry spices are added directly to a dish. A good example is chicken soup with ground red pepper. Wet spices are commonly mixed with oil or butter to form a paste.

Wet spices are often used in sauces, marinades, and dressings. Some common wet spices include fish sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, sesame oil, curry paste, and hoisin sauce.

You need to be able to match certain spices with Thai ingredients if you wish to make Thai food at home.

Red pepper flakes are recommended for beef. If you use seafood like shrimp, you should use white pepper instead.

If you don't live near an Asian market, you can order online. There are many options for exotic herbs, spices and dried chilies.

You might want to try these Thai recipes next time you feel hungry.

What's the difference in cooking with whole vs. ground spices? Ground Spices?

There isn't any difference between cooking with whole spices and ground spices. All spices are ground after harvesting. This ensures that there are no differences in the quality of spices.

However, the price difference is substantial. Whole spices can be more expensive due to the labor involved in their processing. But the taste is worth it.

Bulk purchases of whole spices can often get you additional discounts. If you buy a whole bag of cinnamon sticks, you may get a discount.

The same is true for nutmeg cloves ginger, cardamom, and ginger. This can help you save money on spices if you buy them in bulk.

Whole spices can also last longer than the ground spices. This is because ground spices lose their potency quickly due to oxidation.

The main reason we recommend whole spices over dried is that they can add lots of flavor to recipes.

You can make delicious curry using whole turmeric, instead of ground turmeric. For chicken dishes, whole coriander seeds can be ground to make a spice blend.

The process of grinding spices takes a lot of time. When you buy whole spices, it makes sense to buy a large quantity. So that you don’t run out of spices, it’s a smart move.

Is Thai cooking made with garlic?

Thai cuisine often uses garlic. Garlic is commonly added to salads.

In Thailand, garlic is chopped and fried with shallots, ginger, and spices. It is also often eaten with sticky rice.

The most common way to eat garlic is to chop it finely and mix it with chilli paste, salt, fish sauce, lime juice, and oil. This is known as "Nam Phrik", or namphrik. Nam Phrik is often served alongside grilled chicken, beef, or pork.


  • It has been estimated that around 1,000 tons of pepper and 1,000 tons of other common spices were imported into Western Europe each year during the Late Middle Ages. (
  • According to a recent survey, professional chefs and many home cooks use spices; usage has only continued to grow from 2011 to now. (
  • Their 14 to 20 percent essential oil content means that cloves have the highest concentration of aroma compounds of any spice. (

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How To

How to Make a Garlic Pressure?

A garlic press can be one of the most important tools in a home cook's toolbox. It allows you to efficiently mince garlic into a paste or puree it into a smooth sauce, soup, or salad dressing. It's also great for crushing whole garlic cloves into a buttery spread or garlic salt.

However, if you don’t already have a garlic pressing machine, you might wonder how to get one. Here are some tips that will help you get started.

First of all, you'll need to get a large bowl. Place the bowl under the pressure regulator and pour the crushed garlic inside. Set the pressure regulator valve at the maximum setting.

Next, turn your handle clockwise to hear a click. You will be able to slide the blade over the bowl by lifting the top part of your press. Continue turning the handle counterclockwise to close the blades.

Finally, remove the pressed garlic and enjoy!

Here are some more ways to use this versatile instrument:

  • Add minced garlic to soups, sauces, salads, and dips (or even as a seasoning)
  • To crush whole garlic cloves, use the press to create a buttery spread
  • Put whole garlic cloves on top of pizza dough, before you bake
  • Roasted garlic can be incorporated into creamy polenta or mashed potatoes.
  • Make pesto with garlic mashed in the press
  • Puree garlic into a smooth vinaigrette


Quick and Easy Mediterranean Recipes with Amy Riolo


Today, herbs and spices are often staples in the kitchen because of their flavor profiles, but these same ingredients have also been used around the world for

Quick and Easy Mediterranean Recipes with Amy Riolo


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Quick and Easy Mediterranean Recipes with Amy Riolo



Quick and Easy Mediterranean Recipes with Amy Riolo


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