Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025

Gur walay chawal Rice recipe || Meethay recipe || Sweet rice recipe

At Belovedsaffron.com, we are passionate about spices, herbs, recipes and organic eating. It is our mission to bring awareness of flavors from around the world and provide access to a full range of spices, herbs and organic food from sustainable farming. I am particularly excited to share my love of saffron with others and help bring the joy of cooking into people's lives.

But it is not simply about providing delicious recipes for saffron dishes – it is also about promoting sustainable eating that respects those from all different cultural backgrounds who dedicate their lives to serving fantastic meals in both family homes and 5-star restaurants across the globe.

If you have a special recipe or would like to contribute an article to our blog section, please reach out as we would love to hear from you at [email protected]. We believe everyone has something extraordinary to offer their taste buds!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Gur walay chawal Rice recipe || Meethay recipe || Sweet rice recipe

Frequently Asked Questions

What mint is used for Thai food?

Thai cuisine's most used type is lime-leaf, or Mentha cervina.

Its mild, lemony taste adds freshness and zest to dishes. Other spices such as lemongrass, galangal, garlic and coriander are also frequently added to enhance the flavour of Thai dishes.

Mint is a versatile herb and can be used in both sweet and savoury recipes. You can create authentic Thai flavours by choosing the right herbs, spices, and aromatics.

Next time you make Thai food, add some lime-leafmint for more flavor!

Enjoy your cooking!

What is Thai spice used for?

The term Thai spice is a common phrase that we've heard a lot, but don't really know what it means. But once we start to feel the heat in our mouths, we wonder why it hasn't been eaten more.

It's much more than a spice. It's an essential ingredient that adds flavor and depth to dishes that would otherwise be bland.

There are thousands of Thai recipes, but very few include the authentic flavor. Let's talk about how to make sure you add these amazing flavors to your meals.

Thais have been using herbs and spices in their cooking since antiquity to add flavor to food. Thai derives its name from the Sanskrit phrase "to cook".

Today, Thais still love spicy food. This preference is often attributed to the hot weather in Thailand, which makes it difficult to keep warm without something hot to drink. Thais consume more chili peppers than Americans and Europeans.

The best way to learn about Thai spices is to visit a local Asian grocery store. There you will find a variety of ingredients such as dried chilies fresh basil leaves curry paste and ground black pepper.

You might also find whole peppercorns and cloves as well as cinnamon sticks, star anise pods (star anise), cardamom pods ginger root, cumin seeds coriander seeds seeds, fennel seed, nutmeg mace, mustard seeds, saffron threads garlic, onion, rice vinegar, and tamarind juice.

There are two types of spices in Thai cuisine: dry and wet. The dry spices are usually ground while the wet spices are crushed or pounded finely.

Dry spices are typically added directly to a dish. You can sprinkle ground red pepper on your chicken soup. In order to make a paste out of wet spices, oil or butter is often used.

Wet spices are commonly used in marinades and sauces. Fish sauce, oyster sauces, sesame and sesame olive oils, curry paste and hoisin are some of the most common wet spice options.

If you want to try making Thai dishes at home, you need to know which spices go well with certain ingredients.

Red pepper flakes are recommended for beef. If you're using seafood like shrimp, white pepper should be used.

Online ordering is also possible if you don’t have an Asian market. This market has everything you need, including dried chilies as well as exotic herbs and spices.

So next time you get hungry, think about putting on a little extra heat by whipping up one of these tasty Thai recipes!

What is the difference in curry and curried?

There is no difference between the spellings. Both words refer the same thing: Indian food that uses meats and vegetables along with different seasonings.

Curry comes from the Hindi word kari meaning "to rub." This term refers to how the spice mixture is rubbed onto the food. Curry is typically prepared until the food is golden brown.

Curried dishes were once reserved for special occasions, but today, they're enjoyed frequently throughout India. They can be made with chicken, beef or lamb and include vegetables as well.

Plain white rice is commonly served with curried meals. You can also add raita (a yogurt sauce), or chutney (a sweet relish).

What is the value of spices?

Spices are seasonings that enhance the flavour of food. Spices can take many forms such as powders (liquids), oils, pastes and seeds. They are also called condiments and flavours.

Spice up your meals with a variety of spices. Many spices can be added for additional flavor and excitement.

You may find that adding a few drops of hot pepper sauce to a bowl of soup will make it taste more delicious. Or perhaps you could mix a handful of cayenne peppers with a cup of rice.

Fresh ingredients are the best way to try new spicing techniques. Organic herbs are better than dried herbs. Fresh herbs keep longer than dried ones.

Some spices are essential to cooking; however, there are some that you might prefer to avoid. Cinnamon sticks have high levels of coumarin. They should not be consumed if you have had liver disease in the past. Ginger also has coumarin, although it's less concentrated. It's safe for people who don't have a history of liver problems.


  • It has been estimated that around 1,000 tons of pepper and 1,000 tons of other common spices were imported into Western Europe each year during the Late Middle Ages. (en.wikipedia.org)
  • According to a recent survey, professional chefs and many home cooks use spices; usage has only continued to grow from 2011 to now. (hospitalityinsights.ehl.edu)
  • According to Healthline, pink Himalayan salt is estimated to contain up to 84 minerals and trace elements, which gives the salt its special pink color. (spicecravings.com)

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How To

How to Make a Garlic Pressure?

A garlic press is a valuable tool in every home cook's kitchen. This allows you to quickly mince garlic and make smooth sauces, soups, and salad dressings. It is great for crushing whole garlic cloves in a buttery spread, or garlic salt.

If you don't yet have a garlic presse, you may be wondering where to get one. Luckily, we've got some tips to help you get started.

First, you need a large dish. Then, place the bowl under the press and add the crushed garlic. Now adjust the pressure regulator to the maximum.

Next, rotate the handle clockwise until it clicks. The top part of the press should lift off and reveal a flat surface that will allow you to slide the blade back and forth over the bowl. Keep turning the handle clockwise until you reach the end of the blades.

Finally, take the pressed garlic out and enjoy!

Here are some more ways to use this versatile instrument:

  • Make minced garlic soups, sauces for salads, dips and seasonings.
  • The press can be used to crush whole garlic cloves and make buttery spread.
  • Put whole garlic cloves on top of pizza dough, before you bake
  • Blend roasted garlic into mashed potatoes or creamy polenta
  • Use the press to make homemade pesto out of garlic
  • Puree garlic and make a smooth dressing


Gur walay chawal Rice recipe || Meethay recipe || Sweet rice recipe


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Gur walay chawal Rice recipe || Meethay recipe || Sweet rice recipe


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Gur walay chawal Rice recipe || Meethay recipe || Sweet rice recipe


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spices | Visit our blog for recipes, cooking tips and techniques as well as our staff's favorite eats and travel adventures.

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Over the past week, black pepper prices have slightly increased by about  1,5% from 73,000 - 74,000.The largest market, China, has resumed purchasing along

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