Saturday, Sep 28, 2024

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...The Bombi Build

At, we are passionate about spices, herbs, good food and organic eating. Our mission is to bring awareness about the different cultures and their culinary art forms from around the globe. We provide recipes from world-renowned chefs and home cooks so that you can treat your taste buds to a full range of flavours that span far and wide. I have a special connection with saffron - the foundation on which this website was built! But there is much more to our site than just saffron and recipes. We strive to promote organic and sustainable eating through our blog posts that feature people who dedicate their lives to creating delicious dishes in home kitchens and 5-star restaurants. If you would like to share your own secret family recipe or contribute in any other way, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. You are awesome, and so should your cooking!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

The Moment You've All Been Waiting For...The Bombi Build

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you tell organic food from non-organic?

Fresh ingredients are essential for any chef. It's because we feel better when food is well-prepared.

This holds true for our food. Organics are traceable back to the source and provenance of their products. We also know that it didn't have any harmful chemicals.

Organic food is produced without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. These substances aren't permitted for organic farmers.

There is no art in growing organic crops. You have many options to safely grow them.

Organic farming is often called sustainable agriculture. This means that while it uses fewer resources than conventional methods, it provides the necessary nutrients to sustain life.

Organic farming practices include crop rotation, composting manure, cover cropping, and intercropping. These techniques reduce soil erosion and increase water quality.

They also reduce chemical pollution of waterways. Many of us live in urban areas so we have access to local farms that produce organic produce.

Two types of certification programs are available for organic products. The USDA National Organic Program certifies the one while the independent certifying agency certifies the other. Both require strict organic standards to be adhered to.

Certified organic products may bear the USDA seal or the symbol O Seal, which indicates that the product meets federal requirements.

What is an organic food processor?

Organic food producers use organic methods to grow their products. These foods include fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products.

Organic food production happens on farms where crops have been naturally nurtured. This includes soil preparation, pest control, and crop rotation.

To be organic, an agricultural product must meet the strict criteria of USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).

These guidelines are designed to ensure consumers have access to safe, healthy and nutritious food.

Organic foods offer many health benefits. They are free from heavy metal contamination and pesticide residues. They also have higher nutritional content and better taste.

USDA certified organic products must bear the USDA Certified Organic label.

This certification means that the product meets the standards laid down by the National Organic Program.

Organic food not only makes us healthier but also helps to protect the environment.

Organic farming methods help conserve natural resources like water and land. In addition, organic methods reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which cause climate change.

Organic agriculture uses fewer chemicals and reduces pollution runoff.

Because of this, harmful gases such as ammonia and even nitrates will not build up in the air.

There are many types and varieties of organic farming.

Conventional farming refers to the use of synthetic inputs such as pesticides and fertilizers.

Regenerative agriculture uses cover crops and green manures to improve soil quality. It encourages biodiversity.

Agroecology emphasizes sustainable relationships between people and plants.

Permaculture encourages self-sufficiency by creating systems that are similar to nature.

Which are the best organic vegetables?

Organic vegetables are the most nutritious and healthy food source for humans. They are considered the healthiest food on Earth.

Organic produce can be grown without the use of pesticides herbicides fungicides and chemical fertilizers. These chemicals pose severe risks to our health and environment.

Organic produce contains more nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Organic produce is more nutritious and healthier.

Organic vegetables are delicious and safe to eat. Organic produce is safe to eat.

Organic fruits and vegetables can be found at all grocery stores. Organic produce can be found at any grocery store as long as it is produced in accordance with USDA guidelines. This means that they must meet the standards established by the United States Department of Agriculture.

Is organic the same as pesticide-free?

Organic food is chemical-free and grown without pesticides. This means organic food is free from pesticides and fertilizers.

Organic produce contains more nutrients and is healthier than conventionally manufactured foods, as it does not contain any harmful additives.

Farmers must follow strict guidelines to grow organic crops under the USDA National Organic Program (NOP).

These guidelines include soil preparation, crop rotating, pest control and water conservation.

Organic farming techniques also contribute to healthy ecosystems that benefit wildlife as well as natural habitats.

What is inorganic food?

Organic food is produced without the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals may be harmful to your health and can also be found in non-organic foods.

Organic food can be grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides herbicides, fungicides, and other harmful substances. These chemicals can be dangerous for both humans and animals.

Inorganic food can include meat, fish eggs, buttermilk cheese, buttermilk, yogurt, honey grains, vegetables, fruits spices, and herbs.

Organic refers specifically to the method an agricultural product has been grown. For example, organic farming uses natural methods and soil amendments to grow crops, while conventional farming uses synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Foods labeled as organic must meet strict guidelines by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). According to the National Organic Program Standards, all certified organic food must be free from prohibited materials such as antibiotics, growth hormones, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and industrial solvents. Organic food must not be produced with toxic chemicals, petroleum or sewage sludges or ionizing radioactive substances.


  • Brands participating in this challenge are committed to using 100 percent sustainable cotton by 2025.[5] (
  • Once certified by the USDA, it can fall into one of four categories: "100 percent organic", "organic," "made with organic ingredients," or "made with less than 70 percent organic ingredients. (
  • When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. (
  • Cosmetic brands such as Laurel and Rose Mira are 100 percent organic and have a wide array of skincare products. (

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How To

What you should know about organic food

Organic foods are those that come from plants or animals, and do not contain any chemical pesticides, fertilizers, or additives. They are not subject to genetic engineering or the use of ionizing radioactive radiation. The food must contain no artificial ingredients, colourings, flavour enhancers, or preservatives. It should not include genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

In 1845, Justus Von Liebig, an aspiring chemist and entrepreneur, created the term "organic" to describe the properties found in manure. Most people associate organic with food production. Organic refers to products that only contain naturally occurring substances, such as carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals, which are all found in nature.

The global consumption of organic products has increased dramatically over the past decade. According to recent statistics, about 50% of the global population consumes at-least one organic product every day. This number increases constantly and is expected to reach 70%, 80%, and 90% by 2020.

There are many reasons why consumers choose organic products. Some prefer the flavor, while others prefer them because they are healthier. Others also believe organic farming makes it more sustainable. Non-organic products are often chosen because they do not pose ethical issues regarding the treatment of farm workers or animals.

Organic foods are usually more expensive than conventional ones, although prices vary depending on countries and regions. Organic food prices are affected by many factors. One factor is the availability of land suitable for organic agriculture. Another factor is the price of inputs as well as labour for organic farming. Transportation costs, marketing expenses, and taxes are all factors. In Europe, for example, organic food prices are 10% more than regular food.

Below is a summary of the major differences between organic food and conventional food.

  • Organic produce is free from synthetic fertilizers, growth regulators, hormones, and antibiotics.
  • Organic livestock are fed grasses, grains and legumes rather than corn or soybean meals.
  • Organic milk is only produced from cows that are fed all-natural hay and pasture grasses.
  • All raw materials used to make organic products are organically certified.
  • Organic fruits or vegetables should not be grown in pesticide- or other harmful chemical environments.
  • Organic meat, poultry and seafood are not subject to radiation.
  • Before using raw nuts or seeds, they must be soaked.
  • Organic cooking uses only healthy oils.
  • Organic eggs are laid outdoors by hens.
  • Organic honey is extracted by bees using traditional methods.
  • Organic chocolate uses beans and sugar that have been organically farmed and processed.
  • Organic wines are free from chemical additives.
  • Tea leaves made from organic plants are grown by hand.
  • Organic cotton is grown with no pesticides or herbicides.
  • Organic cereals and flours don't contain preservatives or artificial colours.
  • All natural shampoos and soaps are free from harsh chemicals.
  • All-natural cosmetics have no side effects on the skin.
  • All natural cleaning products can be biodegradable and are eco-friendly.
  • All natural body products are dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic.
  • All-natural personal hygiene products have no fragrance and can be used safely for babies.
  • The all-natural baby formulation does not contain bovine serum nor animal rennet.


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