Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025

Running Tillage and Finishing up Corn Harvest

Welcome to, where we embrace everything related to spices, herbs, nutritious food, and organic eating! We are not professional chefs but food enthusiasts who enjoy exploring the various flavors from across the globe. My passion for cooking with saffron sparked the launch of this website--but it is much more than just about saffron and recipes! Our mission is to promote organic farming and sustainable eating habits actively. Around the world, countless people dedicate their lives to preparing delicious meals in their home kitchens or five-star restaurants. If you would like to contribute a blog article or share family recipes with the rest of the world, please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]. Good food deserves a spotlight—and here at, we are shining that spotlight on YOU!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Running Tillage and Finishing up Corn Harvest

Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between organic foods and inorganic food?

Organic food is free from pesticides, chemical fertilizers and sewage sludge. It can also be grown without irradiation or genetic modification. Organic farming practices support soil health, water quality, and animal welfare.

Inorganic foods may be grown with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or sewage sludge. Irradiated foods are treated with radiation; genetically modified organisms (GMO) are created through biological engineering techniques.

"Natural" is sometimes used interchangeably in the context of "organic." However, natural does not necessarily mean organic. There are also products labelled "natural" which may contain synthetic ingredients.

Organic produce is more nutritious than traditional produce due to the fact that it contains less harmful chemicals and pesticides. Organic farmers also don't use synthetic fertilizers or hormones, pesticides, or antibiotics.

Is organic produce healthy?

There are two types of foods; those we grow ourselves and those we buy from someone else. Of course, there are exceptions to both categories, but for the most part, the answer to your question is yes. Organic food is healthier since it doesn't include any harmful chemicals.

In supermarkets all over North America, Europe Asia, Latin America, Latin America, and Africa, you can find organic food. Organic food can now be found in many grocery stores making it easier for shoppers to choose organic products.

Organic food is healthier and tastes better because it contains more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Organics can be grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. This ensures that organics do not pollute our soil or water supply.

The USDA regulates organic agriculture practices. This means that farmers must adhere to strict guidelines to make sure organic produce is safe to consume. There are currently over 30 million acres of US farmland certified as organic.

Organic food is often less expensive than conventional food. The same amount of nutrients, calories, and protein is being offered by organic food, but consumers are often paying less. Organic farms can charge lower prices for their crops since they aren't required to pay for expensive chemical inputs such as insecticides or fungicides.

In fact, according to the Environmental Working Group, organic food costs 10 percent less per pound than conventionally produced food. Organic food is an option if you want to improve your health and the health of your family.

Organic food is a popular choice to traditional American cuisines. It is often believed that organic food is exclusive to specialty markets and gourmet restaurants. Organic food is readily available at regular grocery stores all across the United States.

Organic food sales have increased significantly in recent years. In the US, organic food sales reached $43Billion in 2012, an increase of $21Billion in 2007.

Do organic foods have health benefits?

Even though organic foods might not be for everyone, there are some health benefits. However, regular consumption of organic foods can have health benefits.

Organic food is produced without artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, hormones, antibiotics, or genetic engineering. This means that organic produce is grown without harmful chemicals that could harm human health.

Also, there are fewer additives that are used in processing. Organic products are likely to be healthier than nonorganic.

Studies have shown organic foods have more nutrients and antioxidants that conventionally grown fruits, vegetables.

Organic farming methods are more expensive than conventional methods but they can often produce better results. Organic farming encourages soil fertility and biodiversity.

This helps preserve water resources and prevents erosion. Organic farms do not require toxic chemicals to operate. They also use less energy and fuel.

Some people fear that organic foods can be more costly than conventional foods. However, prices will vary depending on where one lives. Organic apples, on the other hand, tend to be more expensive that conventional apples.

You'll be able to see the difference in price if you add up all of the fruits in a single basket.

So, should you buy organic?

It all depends on your personality. If organic food doesn't appeal to you, you shouldn't bother.

However, if you enjoy good-tasting food, you can buy organic food. Organic food is safer because organic produce is not grown by commercial growers who use pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Organic agriculture is a way to preserve the environment, conserve natural resources, and encourage biodiversity.

What are organic foods and how do they compare?

Organic produce is grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, genetic engineering, or confinement feeding. There is no use of growth hormones and no animal testing. These crops can naturally grow, so no chemicals are used by farmers to combat pests or weeds.

Organic farming practices also maintain soil quality by reducing erosion and conserving water resources. In addition, organics are better for our health because they contain more nutrients than conventional food. Organic foods are often higher in fiber, lower in fat, and less calories than those produced conventionally.


  • As for organic meat, regulations require that animals be raised in living conditions that accommodate their natural behaviours (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones. (
  • Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (
  • According to a study performed by, organic products, compared to non-organic products, ranged anywhere from 13 percent cheaper to 303 percent more expensive. (
  • To provide the highest quality products and services to every customer, with a dedicated workforce that puts the customer first and takes the extra step to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and loyalty. (

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How To

Five Reasons to Purchase Organic Products

Organic foods are organically grown without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. They contain no genetically modified or irradiated food ingredients. Their production processes do not include sewage or industrial solvents. During the growth process, food is kept clean from any contamination. It is free from artificial additives and preservatives. No hormones or antibiotics are used. They are also produced in conditions that preserve their nutritional value and freshness over longer periods.

  1. Health benefits. Organic produce contains less chemicals than nonorganic. This makes it less likely to cause allergies or sensitivities. It also means you're consuming fewer toxins and carcinogens.
  2. Eco-friendliness. Organically grown produce doesn't require synthetic fertilizer or pesticides. Organic farms are located far from cities where there is a lot of pollution, because they require so much energy to grow. This helps to reduce air pollution.
  3. Sustainability. Organic farming relies on soil fertility, rather than chemical fertilisers. This results in healthier soils and higher levels organic matter. Soil health improves when farmers rotate crops and leave land fallow periodically. Farm animals that eat only grasses, grains and no antibiotics develop strong immune systems.
  4. Taste. Conventional fruits and vegetables often taste bland because they're picked at peak ripeness, then shipped long distances to grocery stores. Organic produce tastes richer and sweeter because it was harvested while still unripe.
  5. Nutrition. Many conventional processed foods contain harmful substances like BPA and GMOs. If you want to avoid these, stick to whole foods such as meat, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, beans, fruit, veggies, and herbs.


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