Saffron is our love affair; a culinary crescendo that evokes a warmth of its own. But cooking is so much more than a single ingredient — it’s also about respect. It’s about respecting people from different cultures who dedicate their lives to creating something extraordinary with every dish they serve; family meals or five-star restaurants alike.
And that’s why we’re inviting everyone to join us – to share their recipes, explore new flavors and be part of something special. We know everyone has something delicious to offer!
For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ...

Frequently Asked Questions
What are organic fruit?
Organic foods are free of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Organic foods also have more nutrients such as vitamins C, E and K plus omega-3 fatty acid. These nutritious ingredients make organic foods better for our bodies, and for the planet.
Organic foods are produced with sustainable farming practices that promote soil quality and biological diversity. They are free from harmful chemicals, radiation, and sewage sludge.
While most consumers associate organics with produce, many organic products include dairy, meat, poultry, eggs, baked goods, personal care items, pet food, and household cleaning supplies.
The USDA defines organic as crops grown in accordance with strict federal regulations. These foods cannot be grown by farmers using conventional methods. However, they can use approved natural methods to control pests, like crop rotation and cover crops, or animal feed made of organic materials.
Further, the farmer must be careful about the amount of pesticide and fertilizer he uses in the growing season. GMOs, artificial growth hormones, synthetic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers are not allowed in the fields of farmers.
Fruits and vegetables labelled "100% organic" meet all the requirements above. But some farms do not label their products as 100% organic because it would confuse consumers. Instead, they will label the product as "made from organic ingredients". "
Is organic food better for us?
The Environmental Working Group's most recent report on pesticide residues found in food shows that organic fruits and veggies had almost half the pesticide content of non-organic. They found that organic apples contained eight times fewer pesticides than non-organic apples, while organic strawberries were four times cleaner than their conventional counterparts.
Another study suggests that organic food can reduce exposure to toxic metals such as lead and mercury. One study found that organic meats had 33 percent less lead in children than the levels of those who did not eat them. Another study concluded conventional fish consumption should be stopped by pregnant women because it contains high levels of mercury.
Overall, organic food does seem to be safer than its non-organic counterpart. Experts recommend fresh vegetables and fruits whenever possible in order to reduce the risk of getting cancer.
What is organic?
Organic meat refers to real food grown without the use artificial fertilizers, pesticides, or hormones. It also means that the animals weren't fed any genetically modified feed. Because there are no harmful chemicals in the meat, it is safe for human consumption.
Organic meats are better for the environment. When we eat organic foods, we reduce the pollution in landfills, rivers, lakes, etc. We can also help wildlife by eating organic foods. Organic farmers do not often use toxic chemicals that can kill birds or insects.
You can eat organic meats and produce whenever you can. Local shopping helps keep more money in your community than it does out of state. Local businesses often offer discounts to their customers by shopping locally. Shopping locally keeps American jobs in America, rather than sending them abroad.
Is organic food healthy?
There are two types, those we grow our own and those we purchase from another source. There are exceptions, but the majority of the time, both options will be available. Organic food is healthier as it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals or pesticides, herbicides and preservatives.
You can find organic foods in supermarkets across North America. Many grocery stores now sell organic food. This makes it easier for customers to select organic products.
Organic food is healthier and tastes better because it contains more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Organics can be grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. This ensures that organics do not pollute our soil or water supply.
The USDA regulates organic agriculture practices. This means that farmers must adhere to strict guidelines to make sure organic produce is safe to consume. There are more than 30 million acres of US farmland that have been certified organic.
Organic food is often cheaper than traditional food. The same amount of nutrients, calories, and protein is being offered by organic food, but consumers are often paying less. Organic farms are able to charge lower prices for their crops because they don't have to purchase expensive chemical inputs like insecticides and fungicides.
In fact, according to the Environmental Working Group, organic food costs 10 percent less per pound than conventionally produced food. Switching to organic food is a smart move if you care about your health and that of your family.
Organic food has become an increasingly popular alternative to American standard diets. While many believe organic food can only come from specialty markets and fine dining restaurants, it is not true. Organic food is readily available at regular grocery stores all across the United States.
Organic food sales have increased significantly in recent years. In the US, organic food sales reached $43Billion in 2012, an increase of $21Billion in 2007.
What is inorganic food?
Organic food is grown without pesticides and artificial fertilizers. These chemicals can be harmful for your health.
Organic food is organically grown without the use of harmful chemicals such as pesticides or herbicides. These chemicals can be dangerous for both humans and animals.
Inorganic food is meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, including butter, yogurts honey, yogurts, butter, cream, cheese, butter, yogurts, honey and grains.
Organic refers the way an agricultural product grows. Organic farming uses natural methods to grow crops. Conventional farming uses pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
Organic foods must comply with strict guidelines set forth by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The National Organic Program Standards state that organic food must be freed from banned substances like antibiotics, growthhormones, genetically altered organisms (GMOs) and industrial solvents. Organic food must be grown without the use of toxic chemicals or petroleum-based fertilizers.
What are organic foods?
Organic produce is grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, genetic engineering, or confinement feeding. There is no use of growth hormones and no animal testing. These crops are allowed to grow naturally, so farmers do not use chemicals to prevent weeds or pests.
Organic farming practices help maintain soil quality and reduce erosion. In addition, organics are better for our health because they contain more nutrients than conventional food. Organic products have a higher fiber content and are lower in calories and fat than conventionally manufactured ones.
Which organic products are most in demand?
Today, organic foods are the fastest-growing industries. There is still much to be done, even though we have come so far from our roots.
Organic products will be the future. They are safer, better for our environment, and more affordable for consumers.
But they also tend to be higher priced. The Organic Food Index was created to address this. We wanted to find out which foods are most popular with shoppers today, and whether these trends are changing.
The results showed that organic food is increasing in popularity. Between 2011 and 2012, the number of Americans who shop for organic food increased by almost 50%.
According to USDA, organic food production increased by 10% only last year. Organic food now accounts for 9% of U.S. agricultural output.
Organic food is certainly on the rise but consumers are still not able to afford it. According to the Organic Trade Association OTA, organic food retail prices are about twice those of conventional products.
However, organic food is growing more quickly than any other part of the food market. You can see that organic food has been steadily increasing since 2009.
According to OTA the volume of organic products sold at supermarkets grew by 14% in 2010 and 2011.
This increase is due to consumers' demand for healthier foods. It is why organic food sales are growing across all ages.
Younger generations are choosing organic food more often than older generations. Millennials are twice as likely than baby boomers to buy organic foods. The 25% of organic food purchase made by younger adults below 35 are made up of young adults.
- Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (
- Brands participating in this challenge are committed to using 100 percent sustainable cotton by 2025.[5] (
- As for organic meat, regulations require that animals be raised in living conditions that accommodate their natural behaviours (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones. (
- To provide the highest quality products and services to every customer, with a dedicated workforce that puts the customer first and takes the extra step to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and loyalty. (
External Links
- PubMed: Evaluation of the micronutrient content of plant foods grown using conventional and organic agricultural methods.
- Comparison of the total amount of phenolic and/or ascorbic acids in freeze-dried and dried marionberry, strawberry, or corn grown using conventional and organic agricultural practices - PubMed
- Occupational Pesticide Exposures and the Cancer Risk: A Review. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. Part. B. Vol 15, Issue 4.
- Genetically modified food: safety, risk and public concerns - a review - Journal of Food Science and Technology
- Organic food and impact on human health: Assessing the status quo and prospects of research - ScienceDirect
- Technical note: Simultaneous Vitamin and Carotenoid Analysis of Milk from Total Mixed Ratio-Fed Cows - ScienceDirect
How To
What You Should Know About Organic Foods
Organic foods come from plants and animals without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or additives. They can be produced without the use of genetic engineering or ionizing radiation. The food must not contain artificial flavours, colours, flavour enhancements, or preservatives. It cannot contain genetically modified organisms.
When Justus von Liebig, a chemical chemist, coined "organic", which means "life-giving," to describe the properties in manure, the term "organic" was used for the first time. Most people associate organic with food production. Organic simply means the product is made from only naturally occurring substances such proteins, carbohydrate, and minerals.
The global consumption of organic products has increased dramatically over the past decade. Recent statistics show that around half of the world's population consumes at most one organic product per day. This number is rising and is expected increase to 70%, 90%, and 80% by 2020.
There are many reasons why consumers choose organic products. Some consumers prefer organic products for the taste. Other people prefer them because organic produce is more nutritious. Still others believe organic farming is better for the environment. Non-organic products are often chosen because they do not pose ethical issues regarding the treatment of farm workers or animals.
While organic food is generally more expensive than traditional foods, prices do vary depending upon where you live. There are different factors influencing the price of organic food. One factor is whether there are enough land available for organic farming. Another factor is the price of inputs as well as labour for organic farming. The cost of transportation, marketing, and taxes are just a few other factors. The average European price for organic food is 10% lower than the regular price.
Below are the main differences between conventional and organic foods.
- Organic produce is free of chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, synthetic fertilizers, and growth regulators.
- Organic livestock is fed grasses and grains, rather than corn and soya meal.
- Organic milk is only produced from cows that are fed all-natural hay and pasture grasses.
- All raw materials used in organic manufacturing processes are certified organic.
- Organic fruits or vegetables should not be grown in pesticide- or other harmful chemical environments.
- No irradiation is used in organic meat, poultry, or seafood.
- Before using raw nuts or seeds, they must be soaked.
- Only healthy oils are used in organic cooking.
- Organic eggs have been laid by hens and given access to outdoor areas.
- Organic honey is extracted by bees using traditional methods.
- Organic chocolate contains beans and sugar from organically grown and processed cacao.
- Organic wines are produced without the use of chemical additives.
- The tea leaves of organic tea come from tea plants that have been hand picked.
- Organic cotton can't be treated with any pesticide or herbicide.
- Organic flours and cereals are free from artificial colours, preservatives, or flavors.
- All-natural soaps and shampoos don't contain any harsh chemicals.
- All-natural cosmetics are safe for your skin.
- All natural cleaning solutions are biodegradable and eco-friendly.
- All natural body products are dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic.
- All-natural products for personal hygiene are safe to use with babies as they don't contain any fragrances.
- All-natural baby formula contains no bovine serum or animal protein.
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