Saturday, Sep 28, 2024

I drank raw milk every day for a year…

Welcome to, where we embrace everything related to spices, herbs, nutritious food, and organic eating! We are not professional chefs but food enthusiasts who enjoy exploring the various flavors from across the globe. My passion for cooking with saffron sparked the launch of this website--but it is much more than just about saffron and recipes! Our mission is to promote organic farming and sustainable eating habits actively. Around the world, countless people dedicate their lives to preparing delicious meals in their home kitchens or five-star restaurants. If you would like to contribute a blog article or share family recipes with the rest of the world, please don't hesitate to reach out to [email protected]. Good food deserves a spotlight—and here at, we are shining that spotlight on YOU!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

I drank raw milk every day for a year…

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is organic food important?

Organic produce is important for our health. It's the best way to ensure we eat nutritious foods. It's healthier for us as well as more environmentally-friendly because it doesn’t rely on pesticides, fertilizers, or other chemicals.

Organic farming is a natural method of growing crops that uses no harmful chemicals. This results in fewer environmental pollutants and makes organic farming safer. When you choose organic food, both you and the earth are protected.

Organic food has many benefits that go beyond health. We all know how toxic processed food can make you feel. But did you know that most organic fruits and vegetables aren't treated with chemical spray either? It means that organic fruits and vegetables taste better, last longer, and are brighter.

That's why eating organic matters so much. It's healthy for you and the planet.

What are the health benefits of organic farming

Organic farming allows farmers to produce food using only natural methods. Farmers don't have worry about whether harmful pesticides are affecting their crops or animals.

Organic farming can also use natural fertilizers. These fertilizers help to grow healthy plants and help to reduce the amount of chemical waste produced.

Organic farming is also sustainable. To recycle nutrients back into soil, farmers often resort to composting. This helps to reduce pollution and conserve valuable resources.

As well as helping the environment, organic farming increases crop yields. This is because organic agriculture uses less water in the growing season.

Organic production methods mean farmers can get higher prices. Consumers who are more aware about the dangers associated with pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and other chemicals will choose healthier foods.

This raises the demand to produce organic food products. For these reasons, organic farming is becoming increasingly popular.

Is organic produce healthy?

There are two types: foods that we grow and those that we purchase from others. While there are exceptions, the general answer is yes to both. Organic food is healthier since it doesn't include any harmful chemicals.

You can find organic foods in supermarkets across North America. Most grocery stores now carry organic food, making it easier for consumers to choose organic products.

Organic food tastes better and is more nutritious, as it has higher levels of vitamins and minerals. Organics are also grown without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, so they don't pollute our soils and water supplies.

The USDA regulates organic farming practices. It requires that farmers follow strict guidelines in order to ensure organic produce is safe for consumption. There are over 30,000,000 acres of US agricultural land that has been certified organic.

Organic food is often more affordable than conventional food. Consumers are paying less for the same amount of calories, protein, and nutrients. Organic farms are able to charge lower prices for their crops because they don't have to purchase expensive chemical inputs like insecticides and fungicides.

In fact, according to the Environmental Working Group, organic food costs 10 percent less per pound than conventionally produced food. If you care about the health of yourself and your family, consider switching to organic food.

Organic food has been a popular alternative for standard American diets. Although many may think that organic food is only available at specialty markets and gourmet restaurants, this isn't true. Organic food can easily be found in any regular grocery store across the United States.

The sales of organic food have increased dramatically in recent years. Organic food market value in the US increased from $21 billion to $43 billion in 2007 to reach $43 billion in 2012.

How can I tell if my produce has been certified organic?

These three labels are essential if you want to be certain that you are purchasing organic produce.

USDA Organic Certified- This product has been certified organic by the USDA.

Certified Naturally Grown - Produce that has passed strict requirements for organic practices but has not yet received certification from the USDA.

Pastured/Free-range - Made from animals that graze on grass and herbs outdoors.

These labels signify that the product meets a specific set of criteria.

  • No pesticides nor synthetic fertilizers
  • No genetically modified organisms
  • No antibiotics are ever given to the animal
  • No hormones are ever given to the animal
  • There are no growth-promoting drugs
  • No feed additives
  • No artificial ingredients
  • No irradiation
  • No sewage effluent
  • GMOs prohibited
  • Never was an antibiotic given
  • No hormones ever given
  • No growth-promoting drugs
  • No feed-additives
  • No artificial ingredients
  • No sewage sludge (if it's a non-GMO)
  • No irradiation

I hope that this article was useful!

Are organic foods better for us?

According to the Environmental Working Group’s latest report on pesticide residues, organic fruits/vegetables had nearly half as many pesticides than non-organic. The Environmental Working Group found that organic apples contained eight-times less pesticides than other non-organic fruits, and organic strawberries had fourfold more than their conventional counterparts.

Other studies suggest that eating organic food reduces exposure to toxic metals like lead and mercury. For example, one study showed that children who ate organic meat had 33 percent lower blood lead levels than those who didn't consume organic meats. Another study concluded that pregnant women should avoid consuming conventional fish due to high levels of mercury.

Overall, organic food does seem to be safer than its non-organic counterpart. Experts recommend that you choose fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible to lower your chance of developing cancer or other diseases.


  • Once certified by the USDA, it can fall into one of four categories: "100 percent organic", "organic," "made with organic ingredients," or "made with less than 70 percent organic ingredients. (
  • Popular clothing brands, like Patagonia, are labelled as organic by using 100 percent organic cotton for many of their styles. (
  • When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. (
  • Brands participating in this challenge are committed to using 100 percent sustainable cotton by 2025.[5] (

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How To

How to buy organic meat even on a tight budget

Here are some tips and tricks that will help you save money on organic meat.

I will give you tips on where to find cheap organic meats and how much they cost per pound. You'll learn how to get the best from what you buy.

To eat well, you don't have to spend a lot. Sometimes creativity is required to make money while still eating healthy. Here are my top tips for keeping food costs down and still enjoying the many benefits of organic meat.

  1. Shop at wholesale clubs - Sams Club or Costco are great places to buy bulk foods such as chicken breasts and pork chops. If you're lucky enough to live near one of these stores, you can often get deals on large quantities of meat (up to 50 pounds). This way, you won't waste any meat. You can also freeze the meat if you buy it bulk.
  2. Online shopping is a great way to find meat at a discounted price. Amazon, for example, offers Prime Pantry, a weekly deal that includes free shipping on orders greater than $35 There are discounts on roasts, ground beef and lamb steaks as well as pork loins. It is easy to browse their website and check out what is on offer at different times.
  3. Look for a local farmer. They usually charge less than big-box retailers, as they don't have to pay large stocking fees. Plus, they know exactly what their animals ate and drank, so they know exactly what's inside their bodies.
  4. Choose lean cuts of meat - It is usually cheaper to cook lean meat than fatty. Therefore, choose the leanest cuts. The most common ones are sirloin steak, tenderloin roast, top round steak, and flank steak. These cuts are very low-fat and high in proteins.
  5. Explore new recipes. Don't be afraid of trying new things. You can cut down on your grocery costs by starting to cook with ingredients you don't have before. You'll be surprised at how many delicious dishes can you create using fresh tomatoes.
  6. Remaining meat and poultry can be used for sandwiches, salads or soups. Remaining meat can be used for quick lunches or dinners.

There you have it! Here are some tips on how you can afford organic meat despite being on a strict budget. Are there any other tips you can share? Have any other tips for me about where to buy cheap meat?


I drank raw milk every day for a year…


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