Friday, Sep 20, 2024

I Answer Your Questions for 1 Hour

Discover the wonders of global cuisine at! Our mission is to bring you spices, herbs and organic food from all over the world, introducing you to flavors you may never have experienced before. We’re passionate about sustainable farming, sourcing spices, herbs and other ingredients from ethical producers who share our commitment to best practices. Plus, we offer our own recipes for the home cook looking for something new and delicious to try.

If you have a secret recipe or an article perfect for sharing on our blog section, don't hesitate to let us know at [email protected] -- everyone has something extraordinary to offer and we can't wait to hear yours! Join us as we explore delicious flavors around the globe!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

I Answer Your Questions for 1 Hour

Frequently Asked Questions

What is organic?

Organic meat means real food, grown without artificial fertilizers or pesticides. This also means that animals weren't given any genetically modified feed. It is safe to eat because it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals.

Organic meats are healthier for our environment. When we eat organic foods, we reduce the pollution in landfills, rivers, lakes, etc. We also help protect wildlife because organic farmers usually do not use toxic chemicals that kill insects and birds.

It is best to buy organic meats locally as much as possible. Local purchasing helps keep money local, not out of the state. Local businesses often pass savings on to customers who shop locally. Shopping locally keeps American jobs in America, rather than sending them abroad.

How do you know if your food is organic?

Any chef will tell you fresh ingredients are more important than any other ingredient. Because we feel better when we eat well.

The same is true of our food. We can identify exactly where and how organic foods were grown when we purchase them. It was not treated with harmful chemicals.

Organic food does not contain synthetic pesticides, fertilers, hormones or antibiotics. These substances are not allowed for organic farmers.

There is no art in growing organic crops. There are plenty of ways to grow them safely.

Many people refer to organic agriculture as sustainable agriculture. It is a less resource-intensive alternative to conventional farming, but still provides enough nutrients to sustain life.

Organic farming practices include crop rotations and cover crops, manure composting, intercropping, and cover cropping. These practices help to prevent soil erosion and improve water purity.

They also reduce chemical pollution of waterways. We can also find organic farms in our urban surroundings.

There are two types for organic products certification. One is certified through the USDA National Organic Program and the other by independent certifying agents. Both require strict adherence of organic standards.

USDA seals and O Seals may be used to identify organic products that meet federal standards.

What is organic food?

Organic food is grown without pesticides and artificial fertilizers. These chemicals could cause health problems for those who eat inorganic food.

Organic food is produced naturally and without any harmful substances, such as chemical fertilizers or pesticides. These chemicals can be harmful to both animals and people.

Inorganic food includes meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, honey, grains, vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs.

The term organic refers to the way an agricultural product is grown. Organic farming employs natural methods and soil amendments for growing crops. Conventional agriculture uses pesticides or fertilizers.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), must ensure that organic food meets strict standards. The National Organic Program Standards state that organic food must be freed from banned substances like antibiotics, growthhormones, genetically altered organisms (GMOs) and industrial solvents. Organic food must not be produced with toxic chemicals, petroleum or sewage sludges or ionizing radioactive substances.


  • Cosmetic brands such as Laurel and Rose Mira are 100 percent organic and have a wide array of skincare products. (
  • Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (
  • When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. (
  • Popular clothing brands, like Patagonia, are labelled as organic by using 100 percent organic cotton for many of their styles. (

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How To

What you should know about organic food

Organic foods are produced from plants and animals that have been grown without the use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers or other additives. They are not subject to genetic engineering or the use of ionizing radioactive radiation. The food must not contain artificial flavours, colours, flavour enhancements, or preservatives. It cannot contain genetically modified organisms.

In 1845, Justus Von Liebig, an aspiring chemist and entrepreneur, created the term "organic" to describe the properties found in manure. The term organic is often associated with food production. Organic is a product that contains only naturally occurring substances, such a proteins, fats, or minerals.

Over the past decade, organic products have seen a dramatic increase in consumption. Recent statistics show that around half of the world's population consumes at most one organic product per day. This percentage continues to rise and is projected to increase by 70%, 80%, or 90% by 2020.

There are many reasons why consumers choose organic products. Organic products are preferred by many people for their taste and health. Some also prefer organic produce because of the higher quality. Others believe that organic farming is more sustainable. Non-organic products are often chosen because they do not pose ethical issues regarding the treatment of farm workers or animals.

Organic food tends to be more expensive that conventional foods, but prices can vary depending upon the country or region. There are different factors influencing the price of organic food. One factor is the availability of land suitable for organic agriculture. Another factor is the cost of inputs, labour and materials required for organic agriculture. Transportation costs, marketing expenses, and taxes are all factors. In Europe, for instance, the average price for organic food in Europe is 10% higher than its regular price.

Below is a summary of the major differences between organic food and conventional food.

  • Organic produce is free from synthetic fertilizers, growth regulators, hormones, and antibiotics.
  • Organic livestock is fed a diet based on grasses and grains rather than corn and soybean meals.
  • Organic milk comes only from cows who are fed hay and pasture grasses all-naturally.
  • All organic raw materials are certified organic.
  • No pesticides or other harmful chemicals are allowed during organic fruits and vegetables' growth and processing stages.
  • Organic meat, poultry, and seafood are free from radiation.
  • Raw nuts and seeds are soaked before use.
  • Organic cooking uses only healthy oils.
  • Organic eggs are laid by hens, and have access to the outdoors.
  • Traditional methods are used to extract organic honey.
  • Organic chocolate uses sugar and beans that have been grown and processed organically.
  • Organic wines don't contain chemical additives.
  • Organic tea leaves are made from hand-picked plants.
  • Organic cotton is grown with no pesticides or herbicides.
  • Organic cereals and flours contain no preservatives, artificial colours, or flavours.
  • All-natural shampoos and soaps don't contain harsh chemicals.
  • All-natural cosmetics have no side effects on the skin.
  • All natural cleaning agents are biodegradable.
  • All natural body products are dermatologically tested and hypoallergenic.
  • All-natural personal care products are non-fragranced and safe for babies.
  • The all-natural baby formula does not contain animal rennet or bovine serum.


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