Sunday, Mar 9, 2025

Alone On Thanksgiving - Why I Remain By Myself In A World Full of Avatars

We understand that food has the power to connect us all, transcending cultures and distances. At, we are passionate about spices, herbs, organic eating and good cooking. We bring you flavours from around the world in our delicious recipes, blog posts and articles. Every meal prepared is an opportunity to explore a different culture and express yourself through your own creations.

Our mission is to promote sustainable food sources and provide access to the highest quality ingredients with integrity. We aim to encourage healthy eating while bringing joy with beautiful plates full of flavourful dishes.

Whether it's from a family recipe or from a 5-star restaurant, we believe everyone should have the chance to experience delightful cuisine. If you would like to contribute your talents or stories on our blog please contact us at [email protected] - we'd love to hear from you!

With love from - Enjoy the journey!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Alone On Thanksgiving - Why I Remain By Myself In A World Full of Avatars

Frequently Asked Questions

Is organic a guarantee that the product is pesticide-free

Organic food is free from pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This means that organic food is often free of pesticides and fertilizers.

Because organic produce does not contain harmful additives it has more nutrients that conventionally produced foods.

The USDA National Organic Program requires that organic farming practices be followed by farmers.

These guidelines cover soil preparation, crop rotation and pest control. They also include water conservation and harvesting techniques.

Organic farming methods are also beneficial for wildlife and natural habitats.

Is organic food better for us?

According to the Environmental Working Group's recent report on pesticide residues within foods, organic fruits & vegetables contained nearly half of the pesticides that non-organic varieties. Organic strawberries contained four times more pesticides that their conventional counterparts, and organic apples contained eight percent less.

Other studies suggest that eating organic food reduces exposure to toxic metals like lead and mercury. One study revealed that children who ate organic meat had 33 per cent lower blood lead levels than their counterparts who didn't eat organic meats. Another study concluded that pregnant mothers should avoid eating conventional fish because of the high levels mercury.

Overall, organic food does seem to be safer than its non-organic counterpart. Experts recommend eating fresh fruits and veggies whenever possible to reduce the chance of developing cancer.

What is organic meat?

Organic meat means real food, grown without artificial fertilizers or pesticides. It also means the animals were not fed any genetically modified foods. This means that the meat is safe for consumption as there aren’t any harmful chemicals.

Organic meats are good for the environment. When we eat organic foods, we reduce the pollution in landfills, rivers, lakes, etc. Organic farmers don't use harmful chemicals to kill birds and insects, which helps wildlife.

The best way to ensure that you eat healthy organic meats is to buy them locally whenever possible. Local purchases help keep more money within the community than traveling out of state. Local businesses often pass along savings to customers when shopping locally. Buy local to save jobs and not send them overseas.

What are my top priorities when buying organic products

USDA-certified organic labels are desirable. This guarantee that the product has met specific standards set forth by USDA. Look out for the USDA Organic seal on boxes, cartons cans and jars.

When purchasing meat, ensure it is 100% organic. Cattle are ruminants, which means they chew the cud. Ruminant cattle have four stomach compartments: rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. To be labeled '100% organic, all animal parts must be organically nourished.

Make sure you only buy chicken from chicken farms that are fed organically and have never been given antibiotics. Chickens are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Omnivorous chickens have a digestive tract composed of a crop, proventriculus, gizzard, small intestine, large intestine, and anus.

It is important to ensure that dairy products are from cows that were fed 100% organic feed. Dairy cows have four stomach compartments, just like ruminants. The fourth stomach, or the udder is where you get milk.

When purchasing other types of livestock, check the label to see what percentage of the diet the animals were fed. For example, pork may be marked "95% organic" to indicate that 95 percent of the pork's feed is organic.


  • Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (
  • Cosmetic brands such as Laurel and Rose Mira are 100 percent organic and have a wide array of skincare products. (
  • When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. (
  • As for organic meat, regulations require that animals be raised in living conditions that accommodate their natural behaviours (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones. (

External Links





How To

How to save money on organic meat

In this post I'll share some tips and techniques for buying organic meat that won't break the bank.

Here are some tips to help you find low-cost organic meats. Also, how much per pound they cost. You will learn how to make the best out of what you purchase.

For healthy eating, you don’t have to spend a lot. Sometimes creativity is required to make money while still eating healthy. Here are my top tips for keeping food costs down and still enjoying the many benefits of organic meat.

  1. Wholesale clubs - Sams Club and Costco are great places for bulk food like chicken breasts or pork chops. You may be able to get large quantities of meat for as low as 50 pounds if your home is near one of these stores. You won't have to waste meat. It's also possible to freeze meat purchased in bulk so that it lasts longer.
  2. Look online to save money on meat. Amazon has Prime Pantry, a weekly sale that offers free shipping for orders over $35. There are discounts on roasts, ground beef and lamb steaks as well as pork loins. You can easily browse their website to see what is available at different times.
  3. Find a local farmer - Local farmers usually charge less than big box retailers because they do not pay considerable fees to stock their shelves. They know exactly what the animals ate and drank to ensure they are fully informed about what is in their bodies.
  4. Look for meat cuts that are leanest - Lean meat is generally cheaper to cook than fatty meat. So, look for the leanest cuts. The most popular cuts are flank steak, sirloin steak and tenderloin roast. These cuts have high protein and low fat.
  5. Try new recipes. It's possible to reduce grocery expenses by cooking new recipes using ingredients you've never tried before. You may be amazed at the variety of delicious dishes that you can make with fresh tomatoes, onions garlic, olive oil and spices.
  6. Remaining meat and poultry can be used for sandwiches, salads or soups. It's easy to make quick lunches and dinners with leftover meat.

So, there you are! Here are some tips on how you can afford organic meat despite being on a strict budget. What other tips do you have? Have any other tips for me about where to buy cheap meat?


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