Sunday, Mar 9, 2025

A relaxing afternoon in the kitchen!

At, we are passionate about spices, herbs, recipes and organic eating. It is our mission to bring awareness of flavors from around the world and provide access to a full range of spices, herbs and organic food from sustainable farming. I am particularly excited to share my love of saffron with others and help bring the joy of cooking into people's lives.

But it is not simply about providing delicious recipes for saffron dishes – it is also about promoting sustainable eating that respects those from all different cultural backgrounds who dedicate their lives to serving fantastic meals in both family homes and 5-star restaurants across the globe.

If you have a special recipe or would like to contribute an article to our blog section, please reach out as we would love to hear from you at [email protected]. We believe everyone has something extraordinary to offer their taste buds!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

A relaxing afternoon in the kitchen!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best organic vegetables for you?

Organic vegetables are the healthiest and most nutritious foods available to humans. They are considered the healthiest food on Earth.

Organic produce is grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and GMO seeds. These chemicals pose severe dangers to our health as well as the environment.

Organic produce contains more nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Because we absorb these nutrients better from organic foods, this makes them healthier.

Organic vegetables are delicious and safe to eat. There are no known side effects associated with consuming organic produce.

You can find organic fruits and veggies at any grocery store. You can find organic fruits and vegetables at all grocery stores as long as they conform to USDA guidelines.

Is organic food good for you?

There are two types. Those we grow or those we get from someone else. There are exceptions to these categories, but most people will answer your question yes. Organic food is healthier because it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, or genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Organic food can be found in supermarkets throughout North America, Europe and Asia. Most grocery stores now carry organic food, making it easier for consumers to choose organic products.

Organic food is also better tasting and more nutritious because it contains higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Organics are also grown without the use of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers, so they don't pollute our soils and water supplies.

The USDA regulates organic agriculture practices. This means that farmers must adhere to strict guidelines to make sure organic produce is safe to consume. There are more than 30 million acres of US farmland that have been certified organic.

Organic food can often be cheaper than conventional food. The same amount of nutrients, calories, and protein is being offered by organic food, but consumers are often paying less. Organic farms are able to charge lower prices for their crops because they don't have to purchase expensive chemical inputs like insecticides and fungicides.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), organic food actually costs 10% less per pound. Consider switching to organic foods if you are concerned about your health and the well-being of your family.

Organic food has become an increasingly popular alternative to American standard diets. Many people believe that organic food can only be found in specialty markets or gourmet restaurants. This is false. Organic food is easily available in all regular grocery stores in the United States.

The sales of organic food have increased dramatically in recent years. Organic food market value in the US increased from $21 billion to $43 billion in 2007 to reach $43 billion in 2012.

What are organic fruits?

Organic foods are grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, hormones, or antibiotics. Organic foods contain more nutrients like vitamins A, C and E, as well as omega-3 fatty oils. Organic food is healthier for the environment and our bodies.

Organic foods are produced with sustainable farming practices that promote soil quality and biological diversity. They are free of toxic chemicals, irradiation and sewage effluent.

Many organic products are not associated with produce. They include dairy and meat, poultry, eggs baked goods, pet food, household cleaning supplies, and personal care products.

According to the USDA, "organic" means that crops are raised in compliance with federal standards. This means that farmers can't use non-organic methods of growing these foods. However, they can use approved natural methods to control pests, like crop rotation and cover crops, or animal feed made of organic materials.

Additionally, the farmer must adhere to guidelines concerning the amount of fertilizer and pesticide that he uses during the growing seasons and how he rotates his fields among various crops. GMOs, synthetic insecicides, artificial growth hormones or synthetic fertilizers can't be used by farmers.

The requirements for organic fruits and vegetables are met if they are labeled 100 percent organic. But not all farms will label their products 100% organic. That would confuse consumers. They will instead label their product "made with organic ingredients." "

What is an Organic Food Producer?

Organic food producers use organic methods to grow their products. These foods include fruits, veggies, grains, and dairy goods.

When crops are naturally nurtured, organic food production can be achieved. This includes soil preparation and pest control as well as crop rotation.

The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture), must set strict criteria for organic agricultural products.

These guidelines help consumers access healthy, safe and nutritious foods.

Organic food has many benefits, including lower pesticide residues and higher levels of heavy metal contamination as well as better nutrition and flavor.

USDA Certified Organic products must be labeled with the seal "USDA certified organic".

This certification means that the product meets standards established by the National Organic Program.

Organic food can help us eat better and protect our environment.

Organic farming methods help conserve natural resources like water and land. Organic methods also reduce greenhouse gas emissions that can cause climate change.

Organic agriculture uses less chemicals and reduces the amount of pollution runoff.

Because harmful gases such as ammonia or nitrates are less likely in the atmosphere, it also improves air quality.

There are many kinds of organic farming: permaculture, regenerative and conventional.

Conventional farming uses synthetic inputs such pesticides and fertilizers.

Regenerative agriculture uses cover crops and green manures to improve soil quality. It also promotes biodiversity.

Agroecology emphasizes sustainable relationships between people and plants.

Permaculture encourages self-sufficiency by creating systems that are similar to nature.

Are organic meats better?

This question is probably answered if you've been paying close attention. Here's the problem: Organic food is becoming more sought-after, while traditional food continues to decline in popularity.

Organic foods continue rising in popularity because they are healthier. Organic products are not only safer for our health but also reduce pollution and waste.

But there are two sides to this coin. Organic produce takes longer and requires more resources. Organic food is more expensive than non-organic.

Organic meats will typically be more expensive than those that are raised in conventional conditions. But, you can reduce the cost of organic meats without compromising quality.

Local purchases can help you save money. Buy locally grown vegetables and fruits to help keep prices low. Farmers receive incentives to grow healthier crops.

Look for bargains to cut down on costs. You may be able to get discounts when you buy organics.

Finally, another way to save money is by eating less meat. The feed required to raise cattle can make meat production expensive.

Organic food is healthier for the planet and our bodies than conventional food, but it's important to not overlook its cost.

Are organic foods better for us?

According to the Environmental Working Group, organic vegetables and fruits had half the amount of pesticides as non-organic. Organic apples had eight times less pesticides than nonorganic apples. However, organic strawberries had four times the amount of pesticides as their conventional counterparts.

Research has also suggested that organic food may reduce mercury and lead exposure. For example, one study showed that children who ate organic meat had 33 percent lower blood lead levels than those who didn't consume organic meats. A second study found that conventional fish should be avoided by pregnant women due to the high levels of mercury.

Organic food tends to be healthier than nonorganic. Experts recommend that you choose fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible to lower your chance of developing cancer or other diseases.


  • To provide the highest quality products and services to every customer, with a dedicated workforce that puts the customer first and takes the extra step to achieve 100% customer satisfaction and loyalty. (
  • Cosmetic brands such as Laurel and Rose Mira are 100 percent organic and have a wide array of skincare products. (
  • Popular clothing brands, like Patagonia, are labelled as organic by using 100 percent organic cotton for many of their styles. (
  • When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. (

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How To

Five Reasons to Purchase Organic Products

Organic foods are grown without pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. They do not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or radioactive ingredients. They do not use industrial solvents or sewage effluent in their production. During the growth process, food is kept clean from any contamination. It does not contain artificial preservatives or additives. No hormones or antibiotics are used. They are also made in conditions that maintain their nutritional value and freshness for longer times.

  1. Health benefits. Organic produce contains fewer chemicals than nonorganic produce. This means that it is less likely to cause allergies. This also means that you are consuming less toxins and carcinogens.
  2. Eco-friendliness. Produce grown without pesticides or synthetic fertilizer needs very little water. Because conventional farming requires so much energy, organic farms are usually located far from places where pollution is high. This helps reduce pollution.
  3. Sustainability. Organic farming is based on soil fertility and not chemical fertilizers. This results in soils that are healthier and have higher levels of organic matter. Rotating crops and allowing the soil to rest between harvests improves soil health. Strong immune systems develop when farm animals are fed only grasses grown without antibiotics or added hormones.
  4. Taste. Due to being picked at peak quality, vegetables and fruits are often bland. Because it was picked while still unripe, organic produce is richer and more flavorful.
  5. Nutrition. GMOs are harmful chemicals found in many conventional processed foods. Avoid these harmful chemicals by eating whole foods, such as meat, eggs and fish, seeds, legumes, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and beans.


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