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Frequently Asked Questions
What are organic fruit?
Organic foods are grown without pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, hormones, or antibiotics. They contain more nutrients such vitamins A, C. E, and, in some cases, omega-3 oils. These healthy ingredients make organic food better for our bodies and the planet.
Organic foods are grown with sustainable agricultural practices that help to preserve soil quality, and increase biological diversity. They are produced without harmful chemicals, irradiation, or sewage sludge.
Organics are often associated with produce. However, organic products can include dairy, meat, poultry and eggs as well as personal care items and pet food.
The USDA defines "organic" as that crops being raised according to strict rules set forth by federal government standards. This means that farmers can't use non-organic methods of growing these foods. However, they can use approved natural methods to control pests, like crop rotation and cover crops, or animal feed made of organic materials.
In addition, the farmer must follow guidelines regarding how much fertilizer and pesticide he uses during the growing season and rotate his fields between various crops. GMOs, artificial growth hormones, synthetic pesticides and synthetic fertilizers are not allowed in the fields of farmers.
Fruits and vegetables labelled "100% organic" meet all the requirements above. But some farms do not label their products as 100% organic because it would confuse consumers. They will instead label their product "made with organic ingredients." "
What is organic food?
Organic food is made without pesticides or artificial fertilizers. These chemicals could cause health problems for those who eat inorganic food.
Organic food can be grown without chemical fertilizers, pesticides herbicides, fungicides, and other harmful substances. These chemicals may cause damage to animals as well as humans.
Inorganic foods are meats, fishes, eggs, buttermilk, cheese, yogurt and honey as well as vegetables, fruits and spices.
Organic refers the way an agricultural product grows. Organic farming is based on natural methods, soil amendments, and crop growth. Conventional farming uses pesticides, fertilizers, and chemicals.
U.S. Department of Agriculture guidelines must be followed when organic food is labeled. The National Organic Program Standards state that organic food must be freed from banned substances like antibiotics, growthhormones, genetically altered organisms (GMOs) and industrial solvents. Organic food must also be free from toxic chemicals, petroleum based fertilizers, sewage effluents and ionizing radiation.
What are organic products for the skin?
Organic skincare products are free from synthetic chemicals, such as parabens and phthalates, petroleum jelly, mineral oil, petroleum jelly, propylene glycol, sodium laurylsulphate. Talc, triclosan. titanium dioxide. triethanolamine. Vitamin A palmitate.
Organic skincare products don't contain artificial colours or fragrances.
They are designed to promote healthy skin, prevent premature wrinkles, heal injuries after they happen, and support overall wellbeing.
Some standard terms you may see when shopping for organic products:
- Paraben Free- These are chemicals that help to keep certain cosmetics stable. But, they can also be toxic if taken in large quantities.
- Fragrance-Free: The product is free of essential oils or fragrances.
- Cruelty-Free: No animals were hurt during manufacturing.
- Natural Ingredients are ingredients that have been naturally extracted from plants or animals.
- Vegan/Vegetarian – The ingredients can either be vegetarian or vegan.
- Gluten-Free is a label that indicates that no gluten was added to the product.
- Non-Toxic -- The product doesn’t contain toxic substances, carcinogens, harmful compounds, or any other dangerous chemicals that could pose a threat to your health.
- Biodegradable product - when thrown out, the product will disintegrate into harmless components.
- Pesticide Free – There were no pesticides used during the harvesting or growing process.
- GMO-Free means that no ingredient in the product contains genetically modified organisms.
- Certified Organic refers to ingredients that were grown using methods that protect soil, water, air, wildlife and farmers.
Why is organic food important?
Organic produce is important for our health. It is the best way for us to eat healthy food. It's better for us and more sustainable because it doesn’t depend on pesticides or fertilizers.
Organic farming relies on natural methods to cultivate crops, without the use of harmful chemicals. Organic farming is safer for animals and humans because it produces fewer pollutants. When you choose organic food, both you and the earth are protected.
The health benefits of organic foods go well beyond our bodies. We all know how unhealthy processed foods can make us feel. However, organic fruits & vegetables aren’t treated with chemical sprays. They taste fresher, look better and last longer.
This is why organic food is so important. Because it's not only healthy for you, it's healthier for the world.
- As for organic meat, regulations require that animals be raised in living conditions that accommodate their natural behaviours (like the ability to graze on pasture), fed 100% organic feed and forage, and not administered antibiotics or hormones. (usda.gov)
- Popular clothing brands, like Patagonia, are labelled as organic by using 100 percent organic cotton for many of their styles. (en.wikipedia.org)
- When packaged products indicate they are “made with organic [specific ingredient or food group],” they contain at least 70% organically produced ingredients. (usda.gov)
- Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids were up to 50 percent higher in organic meats and milk than in conventionally raised products.[3] (en.wikipedia.org)
External Links
- Organic food and its impact on human well-being: ScienceDirect assesses the status quo as well as future research prospects
- Technical Note: Simultaneous carotenoid- and vitamin analysis of milk coming from total mixed ration-fed cattle optimized for xanthophyll discovery - ScienceDirect
- A Review of Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health: Cancer Risk and Occupational Pesticide Expositions: Part B: Vol 15, Number 4
- Genetically modified foods: Safety, Risks and Public Concerns - A Review - Journal of Food Science and Technology
How To
What you need to know about organic foods
Organic foods are plants and animals grown without pesticides, chemical fertilizers, or additives. They can be produced without the use of genetic engineering or ionizing radiation. The food must contain no artificial ingredients, colourings, flavour enhancers, or preservatives. It cannot contain genetically modified organisms.
The term "organic", as it is commonly known, was first used by Justus von Loig in 1845. He coined the phrase "organisch", which means life-giving, to describe manure's properties. Most people associate organic with food production. Organic is a product that contains only naturally occurring substances, such a proteins, fats, or minerals.
The consumption of organic foods has risen dramatically in the past decades. According to statistics, approximately 50% of the world’s population consumes at minimum one organic product each day. This number is rising and is expected increase to 70%, 90%, and 80% by 2020.
There are many reasons consumers choose organic products. Some consumers prefer organic products for the taste. Other people prefer them because organic produce is more nutritious. Still others believe organic farming is better for the environment. Some consumers choose non-organic products because of ethical concerns about farm workers' and animal treatment.
Organic foods are more expensive than those made from conventional food, though prices may vary by country and region. There are many factors that influence the cost of organic foods. One is the availability and cost of land that can be used for organic agriculture. Another is the cost for inputs and labour required to grow organic crops. Other factors include transportation costs, marketing costs, and taxes. In Europe, for instance, the average price for organic food in Europe is 10% higher than its regular price.
Below is a summary of the major differences between organic food and conventional food.
- Organic produce does not contain any chemicals, hormones or antibiotics.
- Organic livestock is fed grasses or grains instead of corn and soybean meals.
- Organic milk comes only from cows who are fed hay and pasture grasses all-naturally.
- All organic raw materials are certified organic.
- No pesticides or other harmful chemicals are allowed during organic fruits and vegetables' growth and processing stages.
- Organic meat, poultry and seafood are not subject to radiation.
- Pre-soaking is recommended for raw nuts and seed.
- Only healthy oils are used in organic cooking.
- Organic eggs are laid outdoors by hens.
- The traditional methods used by bees to extract honey organically are still in use today.
- Organic chocolate contains beans and sugar from organically grown and processed cacao.
- Organic wines are produced without the use of chemical additives.
- Tea leaves made from organic plants are grown by hand.
- Organic cotton is grown without any form of pesticide or herbicide.
- Organic flours and cereals are free from artificial colours, preservatives, or flavors.
- All-natural soaps and shampoos don't contain any harsh chemicals.
- All-natural cosmetics can be used safely on your skin.
- All natural cleaning products are biodegradable, eco-friendly, and non-toxic.
- All natural products for the body are hypoallergenic, dermatologically tested, and hypoallergenic.
- All-natural personal hygiene products have no fragrance and can be used safely for babies.
- The all-natural baby formulation does not contain bovine serum nor animal rennet.
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