Saturday, May 11, 2024

Sunday Roasts With Gordon Ramsay

At, we combine our passion for spices, herbs and organic eating with a mission to deliver knowledge and flavors from around the world. We offer access to a wide variety of sustainable spices and herbs for all types of cooking, from family homes to five-star restaurants.

At we believe that every chef has something unique and delicious to share with their taste buds! If you have any special recipes or would like to contribute an article for our blog section, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected].

We are devoted to promoting sustainable eating practices that respect cultures worldwide and inspire us with new flavors each day. Let’s work together towards bettering the Earth while enjoying scrumptious dishes!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Sunday Roasts With Gordon Ramsay

Frequently Asked Questions

What herb is best for healing?

Herbs are a fantastic way to help heal our bodies. Herbal medicine has been used since ancient times and continues to grow today. There are thousands of herbs known to cure various ailments.

Some herbs are excellent for treating colds and flu, while others can treat anxiety, depression, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and more.

There are also herbal remedies for skin care, hair loss, weight loss, sexual health, energy, sleep, digestion, and much more.

The list goes on and on. But one herb stands above them all regarding its ability to heal. That herb is called aloe vera.

Aloe Vera is considered to be the world's most powerful healer. For centuries it has helped people heal themselves naturally without any side effects.

It's incredible how well aloe vera works. It's even better than prescription drugs and surgery.

In addition to its natural healing properties, aloe vera is highly versatile and can be used in almost any area of life, including food, beauty products, and household cleaning supplies.

You may not realize this, but aloe vera contains hundreds of active compounds, which include vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, sulfur, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, fluoride, iodine, selenium and more.

These nutrients are essential for human body functions such as cell growth, metabolism, immune system support, healthy bones and teeth, healthy blood pressure levels, healthy eyesight, healthy cardiovascular systems, healthy digestive systems, healthy lungs, healthy nervous system, healthy reproductive organs, healthy skin, and healthy libido.

Which spices from the kitchen are used to cure diseases?

There are more than 4000 medicinal plants that are widely distributed throughout the world. Some of these plants contain active compounds that may help treat various ailments.

In India alone, there are more than 1000 species of herbs that are used for medical purposes. This includes Ayurvedic medicine, Unani medicine, Siddha medicine, Homeopathic medicine, and Chinese medicine.

The most common ingredient found in these medicines is ginger. Ginger contains volatile oils that give it its aromatic flavor. These oils contain anti-inflammatory properties that make them useful against arthritis, fever, vomiting, and indigestion.

Ginger also helps relieve nausea and stomach cramps caused due to pregnancy. Pregnant women often consume ginger tea to reduce morning sickness. Ginger is also commonly used for cough and cold relief.

Another spice that is known to have medicinal value is turmeric. Turmeric contains curcumin which has been shown to inhibit tumor growth. This makes it an effective cancer treatment.

Turmeric is also considered to be very beneficial for joint health. It relieves inflammation and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It is also believed to prevent osteoporosis.

Garlic, too, is another herb that is extensively used in traditional medicine. Its healing qualities include treating infections, asthma, heart disease, and diabetes and even reducing cholesterol levels. Garlic oil is also used to treat wounds and insect bites.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic that fights bacteria and viruses. The antibacterial property makes it ideal for treating respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

It is also helpful in preventing urinary tract infections.

Other spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, black pepper, ginger, cayenne, mustard seeds, fennel, and coriander are also used to treat different illnesses.

Which plant can heal wounds?

Plants are amazing creatures. They grow, they live, and they die. They make food, clean our air and water, and help keep us healthy. But plants also do more than that...they heal wounds.

Plants release molecules called phytochemicals when they are injured. These chemicals act as antioxidants, which protect cell membranes from damage and promote healing.

Phytochemicals found in plants include flavones (found in citrus fruits), terpenoids (present in mint leaves), and polyphenols (common in berries).

In addition to these protective compounds, plants contain proteins, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and carbohydrates that support the body's natural processes of healing.

The best way to use plants to heal wounds is to consume them directly. However, there are ways to apply the power of plants to treat wounds without eating them.

First, soak a cotton ball in an extract from the St John's Wort herb. This product contains salicylic acid, which helps reduce inflammation.

Next, place the soaked cotton ball on the wound. Avoid applying the herb directly to open cuts, burns, or puncture wounds. If you feel any burning sensation, remove the herb immediately.

You may also find that placing a few drops of essential oil on the affected area promotes faster healing. Lavender essential oil reduces swelling and speed recovery; rosemary stimulates blood flow and increases circulation; peppermint relieves headaches and muscle aches.

If you want to try your hand at growing some of your medicinal herbs, here are some tips:

  • Start with small pots, so you don't end up with too much of one particular type of plant.
  • Grow several different types of herbs together. The same goes for flowers and vegetables. Mixing it up will ensure you get all the benefits of each plant.
  • Use organic fertilizer if you're growing your herbs indoors. Non-organic fertilizers may be harmful to your health.
  • Harvest regularly. You'll enjoy the freshness of homegrown herbs, but leave enough time between harvests to allow the soil to replenish itself.
  • Be careful not to overwater your plants. Overly wet soil encourages mold growth, which isn't suitable for your herbs.
  • Wash your hands after handling your herbs. You don't want to risk spreading bacteria onto your plants!

What are the disadvantages of using herbs?

Herbs are a great way to keep your body healthy because they contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, amino acids, phytonutrients, polyphenols, flavonoids, terpenes, essential oils, carotenoids, sterols, and sterolins. Some even contain cannabinoids.

But there are also lots of side effects associated with herbal remedies. For example, taking too much herb could cause liver damage or even death. Herbal supplements may interact with prescription drugs, which means that they might affect how well the drug works.

Some herbs can interfere with blood clotting, while others may increase bleeding when taken with anticoagulants (blood thinners).

There are also safety concerns for pregnant women and children.

The bottom line is that herbs aren't safe for everyone. If you're considering trying them out, do your homework. Look up each product's side effects and warnings and read reviews online.

Which plant has antibiotic and wound-healing properties?

People often ask about plants that have medicinal uses. Some of these include aloe vera, eucalyptus, chamomile, and lavender. If you're wondering why there aren't any plants used for cleaning and disinfecting purposes, it's because most plants have toxic qualities.

The reason why we use herbs for medicine is that they contain compounds that stimulate our immune system. This means that they help us fight infections and heal wounds.

Some plants also have anti-inflammatory properties. These include ginger, turmeric, and mint.

Herbs such as basil, fennel, marigold, and oregano are great for cleansing the body.

There are even some plants that help prevent cancer. Research shows that black raspberries may reduce the chances of developing breast cancer. The same goes for broccoli. It can help prevent colon cancer.

Is eating raw basil good for you?

I'm sure everyone knows that fresh herbs are great for cooking but did you know that you could eat them too? Raw, uncooked herbs are packed full of nutrients and vitamins that we normally have to cook.

They contain more antioxidants than any fruit or vegetable. And they also help our immune systems stay strong and healthy.

The best way to enjoy these delicious little green gems is to eat them raw from the garden. But there's nothing wrong with enjoying them cooked, either. They taste even better when sautéed in olive oil and served alongside pasta or rice.

There are lots of ways to incorporate raw herbs into recipes. Add them to salads, soups, sandwiches, wraps, omelets, stir-fries, and pesto.

Just make sure you wash them well first!

What spice is good for inflammation?

Turmeric is one spice that can be beneficial for reducing inflammation. It contains the active ingredient curcumin, which has been studied extensively and shown to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Other spices like ginger, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, garlic, and cardamom may also reduce inflammation in the body. Adding these spices to your diet can help reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Another spice that can be used to reduce inflammation is black pepper. The active ingredient in black pepper, piperine, has been studied and found to have anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help reduce pain associated with inflammation. Additionally, the spice contains antioxidants which are beneficial for overall health.

Adding black pepper to your diet may help reduce inflammation and promote overall health. Be sure to talk with your doctor before adding any spice to your diet, as some spices may interact with your medications or supplements. Eating various healthy foods, including spices with anti-inflammatory benefits, can help keep your body balanced and reduce the risk of chronic inflammation-related illnesses.

In summary, adding spices to your diet can be beneficial for reducing inflammation and promoting overall health. Spices like turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, garlic, cardamom, and black pepper have all been studied for their potential anti-inflammatory effects.


  • For those with high cholesterol, garlic supplementation appears to reduce total and/or LDL cholesterol by about 10-15% (72Trusted Source73Trusted (
  • The herbs market is highly competitive, with over 1,000 herb suppliers and over 15,000 herbs products available in the United States alone.

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How To

What to look for in herbs?

Herbs contain natural compounds that may help treat various conditions. In addition, herbal remedies may provide relief when used along with conventional treatments.

Herbal remedies include teas, capsules, tablets, ointments, creams, lotions, oils, and topical applications. Some of these products are meant to be taken internally, while others are applied externally.

The most common uses of herbal remedies include relieving minor aches and pains, treating cold symptoms, reducing fever, controlling coughs and sore throats, easing digestion problems, soothing skin irritations, alleviating menstrual cramps, and providing general health benefits.

When buying herbs, look for the following:

  • Freshly picked plants. Avoid dried herbs unless they've been stored in a cool place. If possible, buy herbs directly from farmers' markets.
  • Pure extracts. These are made by extracting the active ingredients from herbs using alcohol or water. Look for 100% pure extractions.
  • Certified organic herbs. Organic herbs must meet strict standards set forth by the USDA.
  • Natural flavors. Many herbs have strong scents that can overwhelm other foods. Adding flavorings such as vanilla, almond, or orange helps mask their smell.
  • Potency. The amount of active ingredient per unit weight varies depending on the type of herb.
  • Packaging. When purchasing herbs, check the packaging to ensure that it's clean and free of chemicals.


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