Saturday, Sep 28, 2024

How to Transition a Full Summer Vegetable Garden to Fall Plants Using Intensive Planting

Welcome to, where we celebrate all the wonderful flavours of spices and herbs worldwide! We are not just chefs but food enthusiasts. Our mission is to bring awareness to spices, herbs, organic foods, and sustainable farming. As passionate fans of saffron, this is our way of sharing its wonderful uses with the rest of you! But Beyond saffron recipes and dishes, we seek to cultivate a community of people dedicated to creating delicious meals in their home kitchens or five-star restaurants worldwide! If you have a fantastic family recipe that you would like to share with our readers and us or want to contribute content for our blog, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Everyone has the potential to create something unique with spice and herbs in their very own kitchen - show us what you can do!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

How to Transition a Full Summer Vegetable Garden to Fall Plants Using Intensive Planting

Frequently Asked Questions

Is eating raw basil good for you?

I'm sure everyone knows that fresh herbs are great for cooking but did you know that you could eat them too? Raw, uncooked herbs are packed full of nutrients and vitamins that we normally have to cook.

They contain more antioxidants than any fruit or vegetable. And they also help our immune systems stay strong and healthy.

The best way to enjoy these delicious little green gems is to eat them raw from the garden. But there's nothing wrong with enjoying them cooked, either. They taste even better when sautéed in olive oil and served alongside pasta or rice.

There are lots of ways to incorporate raw herbs into recipes. Add them to salads, soups, sandwiches, wraps, omelets, stir-fries, and pesto.

Just make sure you wash them well first!

What are the side effects of basil?

Basil is an herb that originated in tropical regions of India, Africa, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile.

The plant is easy to grow in most climates and requires little maintenance. Basil also thrives in poor soil conditions and is very drought tolerant.

As for the health benefits, more than 200 known compounds are found in basil, including flavonoids, phenolic acids, lignans, polysaccharides, essential oils, vitamins, and minerals.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, basil contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties which may help relieve symptoms associated with arthritis, asthma, allergies, bronchitis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, depression, eczema, insomnia, infections, migraines, osteoporosis, psoriasis, respiratory problems, stress, and ulcers.

Basil is also a culinary spice and is often added to tomato sauces, soups, salads, pasta dishes, rice dishes, dips, casseroles, pizza toppings, pesto, chicken wings, and popcorn.

However, like all herbs, basil should be consumed in moderation. Too much of anything is not good for you. For example, eating large amounts of basil could lead to stomach upset. And if you have sensitive tummies, avoid consuming basil during pregnancy.

If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor before taking herbal supplements.

You should only take one type of supplement at a time. If you take other medications, make sure they do not interact with each other.

You should never use herbs while on medication unless directed by your doctor.

Some people experience allergic reactions when using herbs, especially those allergic to ragweed. Symptoms include hives, swelling around the mouth or eyes, shortness of breath, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, dizziness, fainting, heart palpitations, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, seizures, or even death.

Some people who take certain medications may develop an allergy to basil. These drugs include:

  • Antacids (like Alka Seltzer)
  • Anti-anxiety medicines (Valium, Xanax, Ativan, etc.)
  • Beta-blockers (like Propranolol)
  • Blood thinners (like Coumadin)
  • Calcium channel blockers (like Amlodipine)
  • Cholesterol-lowering drugs (like Lipitor, Zocor, Mevacor, and Pravachol)
  • Diabetes medicine (like Glucophage)
  • Diuretics (like Lasix)
  • Heartburn medicines (like Prilosec OTC)
  • Hormone therapy (like Premarin, Tamoxifen, Femara)
  • Insulin (like Humalog, Lantus, Novolin R)
  • NSAIDs (like Aleve, Motrin, Advil, Excedrin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen)
  • Oral contraceptives (like Ortho Evra, Yasmin, Loestrin, Ovrette, Yaz, and Seasonale)
  • Pain relievers (like Aspirin, Celebrex, Vicodin, Percodan, Darvocet, Dilaudid, Fiorinal, Tylenol 3s, Naproxen, Motrin, Tramadol, Ultram, Voltaren

What herb is best for healing?

Herbs are a fantastic way to help heal our bodies. Herbal medicine has been used since ancient times and continues to grow today. There are thousands of herbs known to cure various ailments.

Some herbs are excellent for treating colds and flu, while others can treat anxiety, depression, arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and more.

There are also herbal remedies for skin care, hair loss, weight loss, sexual health, energy, sleep, digestion, and much more.

The list goes on and on. But one herb stands above them all regarding its ability to heal. That herb is called aloe vera.

Aloe Vera is considered to be the world's most powerful healer. For centuries it has helped people heal themselves naturally without any side effects.

It's incredible how well aloe vera works. It's even better than prescription drugs and surgery.

In addition to its natural healing properties, aloe vera is highly versatile and can be used in almost any area of life, including food, beauty products, and household cleaning supplies.

You may not realize this, but aloe vera contains hundreds of active compounds, which include vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, sulfur, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chloride, fluoride, iodine, selenium and more.

These nutrients are essential for human body functions such as cell growth, metabolism, immune system support, healthy bones and teeth, healthy blood pressure levels, healthy eyesight, healthy cardiovascular systems, healthy digestive systems, healthy lungs, healthy nervous system, healthy reproductive organs, healthy skin, and healthy libido.

Which spices from the kitchen are used to cure diseases?

There are more than 4000 medicinal plants that are widely distributed throughout the world. Some of these plants contain active compounds that may help treat various ailments.

In India alone, there are more than 1000 species of herbs that are used for medical purposes. This includes Ayurvedic medicine, Unani medicine, Siddha medicine, Homeopathic medicine, and Chinese medicine.

The most common ingredient found in these medicines is ginger. Ginger contains volatile oils that give it its aromatic flavor. These oils contain anti-inflammatory properties that make them useful against arthritis, fever, vomiting, and indigestion.

Ginger also helps relieve nausea and stomach cramps caused due to pregnancy. Pregnant women often consume ginger tea to reduce morning sickness. Ginger is also commonly used for cough and cold relief.

Another spice that is known to have medicinal value is turmeric. Turmeric contains curcumin which has been shown to inhibit tumor growth. This makes it an effective cancer treatment.

Turmeric is also considered to be very beneficial for joint health. It relieves inflammation and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It is also believed to prevent osteoporosis.

Garlic, too, is another herb that is extensively used in traditional medicine. Its healing qualities include treating infections, asthma, heart disease, and diabetes and even reducing cholesterol levels. Garlic oil is also used to treat wounds and insect bites.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic that fights bacteria and viruses. The antibacterial property makes it ideal for treating respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

It is also helpful in preventing urinary tract infections.

Other spices like cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, black pepper, ginger, cayenne, mustard seeds, fennel, and coriander are also used to treat different illnesses.

What is the difference between "regular" and smoked paprika powder?

Regular Paprika Powder (Piment d'Espelette) is an essential ingredient for our recipes. We use it for its intense flavor and color. It's also used as a spice and seasoning agent. Smoked Paprika Powder (Paprika Chorizo) adds a smoky taste and aroma to dishes. Both types of Paprika Powder come from Spain, where they grow the best peppers in the world.

Smoked Paprika Powder (Chorizo Paprika) is made from red peppers, which are dried slowly in special ovens. This gives them a rich flavor. They are then ground and mixed with salt, garlic, and spices.

Regular Paprika Powder (Espelette Paprika) is made by grinding green bell peppers without additives.

Is basil good for kidneys?

The answer is yes. Basil is an excellent food for kidney health. It contains potassium which helps reduce high blood pressure. It also contains vitamin K, which is essential for bone strength. As well as this, it is rich in antioxidants which help protect against heart disease.

Basil is great for digestion too. It contains digestive enzymes that break down protein and carbohydrates. This makes it easier to absorb nutrients from your meals.

Basil is a wonderful addition to any diet. Try sprinkling some over pasta dishes, salads, soups, and sandwiches. Or add little stir-fried vegetables, chicken, fish, meat, and tofu.

It's delicious in pesto sauce and fresh in salad dressings. You'll find many recipes online where you can learn how to cook with basil.

Try making basil oil by adding a few drops of pure olive oil to a jar filled with chopped basil leaves. Let it steep overnight, and then strain out the leaves. Use the oil as a massage oil or rub it onto your skin.

It will leave your skin soft and smooth.


  • Studies have shown that cinnamon can lower fasting blood sugars by 10-29% in diabetic patients, which is a significant amount (9Trusted Source10Trusted (
  • The global herbs market is expected to reach more than $125 billion by the end of 2025.

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How To

How to use herbs safely?

Many people think that herbs should only be used under medical supervision because they believe that some herbs are poisonous. However, this is not true.

Many herbs have long histories of safe use. For example, garlic has been used for thousands of years to fight infections. It's also been shown to lower cholesterol levels and reduce high blood pressure.

However, if you're pregnant or nursing, avoid taking certain herbs. You should also avoid them if you suffer from allergies or sensitivities to herbs.

You can do several things to ensure you get the best results from your herbs and supplements. First, always read labels before consuming anything containing herbs or spices. Second, take the lowest dose recommended on the label. Third, don't use more than one supplement at any given time. Fourth, talk to your doctor about how to combine specific herbs and supplements. Finally, keep track of your consumption to know whether you need to adjust your dosage.


How to Transition a Full Summer Vegetable Garden to Fall Plants Using Intensive Planting



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