Sunday, Feb 23, 2025

Asher ki Chola Ceremony ki Tayari Shuru (Mamu Aagye)

Discover the wonders of global cuisine at! Our mission is to bring you spices, herbs and organic food from all over the world, introducing you to flavors you may never have experienced before. We’re passionate about sustainable farming, sourcing spices, herbs and other ingredients from ethical producers who share our commitment to best practices. Plus, we offer our own recipes for the home cook looking for something new and delicious to try.

If you have a secret recipe or an article perfect for sharing on our blog section, don't hesitate to let us know at [email protected] -- everyone has something extraordinary to offer and we can't wait to hear yours! Join us as we explore delicious flavors around the globe!

For now, love yourself and enjoy this one ... 

Asher ki Chola Ceremony ki Tayari Shuru (Mamu Aagye)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are healing flowers?

Healing flowers are plants that promote peace and tranquillity. They help us unwind after a stressful day and make us feel more relaxed.

They also help us connect to our inner selves and reconnect with nature.

These beautiful blooms are used for meditation, prayer, and contemplation.

We call hundreds of varieties of flowering plants ‘healing’ because they provide such a fantastic experience.

This list includes roses, lilies, irises, daffodils, peonies, tulips, hyacinths, and many more.

But there are two species that I find particularly special. These are the Geranium and Lilium.

Geraniums are very easy to grow and come in various colors. Liliums are also known as lily-of-the-valley, which means 'lily' and 'valley.' Both of these species are popular garden flowers.

Healing flowers are often found growing near water. They are said to bring peace and calmness to those who meditate with them.

In ancient times, people would light candles in flower petals to symbolize the sun. This way, they could honor the sun without needing to go outdoors.

Some say that when you look at these flowers, you may see angels dancing.

Is basil good for kidneys?

The answer is yes. Basil is an excellent food for kidney health. It contains potassium which helps reduce high blood pressure. It also contains vitamin K, which is essential for bone strength. As well as this, it is rich in antioxidants which help protect against heart disease.

Basil is great for digestion too. It contains digestive enzymes that break down protein and carbohydrates. This makes it easier to absorb nutrients from your meals.

Basil is a wonderful addition to any diet. Try sprinkling some over pasta dishes, salads, soups, and sandwiches. Or add little stir-fried vegetables, chicken, fish, meat, and tofu.

It's delicious in pesto sauce and fresh in salad dressings. You'll find many recipes online where you can learn how to cook with basil.

Try making basil oil by adding a few drops of pure olive oil to a jar filled with chopped basil leaves. Let it steep overnight, and then strain out the leaves. Use the oil as a massage oil or rub it onto your skin.

It will leave your skin soft and smooth.

How to make herbal remedies at home?

Making herbal remedies at home is easy. All you need is fresh herbs, water, salt, and sugar. You can use any herb, depending on what you want to create.

For example, choose mint, basil, chamomile, or lemon balm to make a soothing tea. If you want to make a cooling drink, try rosemary, thyme, lavender, or eucalyptus.

All you need to do is put all the ingredients into a pot and boil them until they become soft. Strain out the herbs and serve hot.

Add honey to the boiling mixture to make a tonic drink. Honey is a preservative and will keep your herbal remedy fresh for longer.

You can also combine two or three herbs to make a more potent brew. For instance, you could mix equal parts of garlic and ginger to make a powerful antiseptic. Or you can combine equal amounts of turmeric and ginger to make a potent immune booster.

Soak a clean cloth in warm water and place it over the affected area to make a compress. Leave it for 10 minutes before removing it. Do this every day until the swelling goes down.

Make sure you consult your doctor first before using herbal remedies. Some plants may interact negatively with other medications. Also, don't take large quantities of herbs because they can cause side effects.


  • The global herbs market is expected to reach more than $125 billion by the end of 2025.
  • For those with high cholesterol, garlic supplementation appears to reduce total and/or LDL cholesterol by about 10-15% (72Trusted Source73Trusted (

External Links





How To

How to use herbs safely?

Many people think that herbs should only be used under medical supervision because they believe that some herbs are poisonous. However, this is not true.

Many herbs have long histories of safe use. For example, garlic has been used for thousands of years to fight infections. It's also been shown to lower cholesterol levels and reduce high blood pressure.

However, if you're pregnant or nursing, avoid taking certain herbs. You should also avoid them if you suffer from allergies or sensitivities to herbs.

You can do several things to ensure you get the best results from your herbs and supplements. First, always read labels before consuming anything containing herbs or spices. Second, take the lowest dose recommended on the label. Third, don't use more than one supplement at any given time. Fourth, talk to your doctor about how to combine specific herbs and supplements. Finally, keep track of your consumption to know whether you need to adjust your dosage.


Asher ki Chola Ceremony ki Tayari Shuru (Mamu Aagye)


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